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There still local here, not seen them so much though, I wish they would take them strags hanging around here, must be at least 60 here at the local shops. :emoticon-0179-headbang: :emoticon-0179-headbang:


I have around 30 anyway roost on a house just at the back on me, obviously someone feeding them,

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they are still around , had 1 here for a few weeks , took a few . theres 50 odd strays on the barn roof next feild down from ours . i bet half of them have rings on . also noticed 1 sparrowhawk and 1 peregrine directly opposite each other on the A68 , i can only assume both been hit by passing trucks ?

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they are still around , had 1 here for a few weeks , took a few . theres 50 odd strays on the barn roof next feild down from ours . i bet half of them have rings on . also noticed 1 sparrowhawk and 1 peregrine directly opposite each other on the A68 , i can only assume both been hit by passing trucks ?


good m8, yes they must be somewhere, so interesting

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Percy, Sparrow hawks, buzzards and Sea Eagles here on a daily basis. Percy was into the doos the other day but if was a half hearted attempt. Thd sparrow is into them on a daily basis but itz days are numbered. Buzzards and eagles obviously aren't an issue.

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Let some youngsters out for the first time on Saturday. They were scattered all over the skies by a sparrowhawk within five minutes of making it out onto the roof of the loft. Got 5 back the same day. Another two on Sunday Morning. Four back today. Still three missing. I’ve seen two of them scooting about roof tops in the area. I’m like mother hen who’s lost her chicks. Cracks you up.

It’s been a quiet few months since the breeding season ended, regarding the peregrines. But the ones that migrate to the estuaries for the winter are starting to arrive. I see one nearly every day over Dalgety Bay.

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