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pigeons widow

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Posts posted by pigeons widow

  1. Thanks everyone  :)

    We are not out tonight as Dave's not long back from Pembrokeshire but we are out tomorrow night.

    Vodka jellies to start, then hit the town with my friends and family.

    Don't worry everyone, we will be back to work on Monday lol

  2. I went to collect some pigeons from a fancier today for delivery and to my surprise i was met by a very young boy probably about 8 or 9 years old  .

    I told him i was there to collect pigeons.  He said follow me, and promptly took me to the loft.

    I was expecting to find his dad in the loft but i was wrong.

    He selected the four young birds from the loft and put them in the box.

    He wasn't sure if there was any paper work but said he would forward it on if there was.

    It was such a delight to see this young boy taking control of his pigeons and he knew exactly which ones were going and caught them with great ease.

    I won't give his full name but if dad is reading this thread then Dathan is a credit to you and the fancy.  :) :) :)



    UK Pigeon Couriers


  3. Had six of my young birds out for the first time yesterday. They sat happily on the roof for about an hour and then guess what ?

    A fancier across the road let his old birds out and up they went.

    Not one came back last night, i was gutted.

    Happy ending to the story  :) they have all made their way back today  :) :) :)

    I'm so happy.

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