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Chatrace's Achievements

Veteran of the Loft!

Veteran of the Loft! (6/8)

  1. here is a couple photos
  2. it is a 12 hole Benzing windup
  3. Pick one of these,But the benzing ETS is my pick :-)
  4. Chatrace


    30 birds easy if you have an outside avirey for them also
  5. here is a shot through a 400 power scope of hair worm egg and cocci cell pods here is one of a round worm egg Here is one of just cocci cell pods and one of just a single hair worm
  6. Our club has it written if there are 2 members wanting to fly the club and its funds stay with the club. To keep people from just walking and coming back for a vote after they quit we also have a rule that states you don't have a vote if you didn't fly in eighter old birds or young birds in the year before the meeting and or vote, If we do decide to close down the Funds and any money from the sale of all club property or equipment is divided among all active members by parts, to get a part you have to have flown in eighter old birds or young birds to get a part for each year you belonged. Example John belonded to club 10 years and flew 9 he gets 9 parts George belonged to club 11 years and only flew 7 he gets 7 parts as long as he is a paid club member, but not flying so as it is now the funds would be divided by 16 to determine what a part is worth.
  7. The Cattle is what was intended to rid the birds of worms, it also will rid them of mites and lice. 3 drops in the mouth
  8. There was a site that had plans for a small hutch type loft it was built off the ground and was about 24x24x30 and had a small aviry and traps . Does anyone have the site thanks
  9. In the 100 member cub in Florida, called Unit 10 they have lights of all colors ,bell Whistles you name it they have it as there are like 90 lofts all in one housing unit. the birds come to there light and noise as the mostly return in a large group even though they were released with other birds. You know when they hit the short end of the unit as it sounds and starts to look like a police raid,lol
  10. The GB site says Green if that helps
  11. Here is a Better Photo taken today for the Auction Bird lot 40 ARPU 409
  12. They are from a 14 member club that races in a 6 club 60 member combine. Birds on an average go up with over 1100 birds each week, shorter races we get 2000 birds going. The results are from the club.
  13. Lot # 40 from Chatrace had a Great Season Bird was bought by Tskes Went to 7 Races from 129 to 348 miles in 9 weeks of the race season hwere is the results that shows the birds placement 127 161 161 200 161 242 348 AU ARPU 409 CK OLEO-PB uk x 9 x 23 x 6 9 the X shows a return but not in the clock within the firs 30 min after 1st bird. Will be holding the bird over for OBs next year or for Breeding
  14. They can and will distroy eggs and scare the birds. The stress they cause can mess up a whole breeding season
  15. Start Dec 1st and band the 1st of Jan . Birds need 20 hras of light till end of june and you should have a full wing and body. by Aug. without pulling any flights
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