Our club has it written if there are 2 members wanting to fly the club and its funds stay with the club. To keep people from just walking and coming back for a vote after they quit we also have a rule that states you don't have a vote if you didn't fly in eighter old birds or young birds in the year before the meeting and or vote,
If we do decide to close down the Funds and any money from the sale of all club property or equipment is divided among all active members by parts, to get a part you have to have flown in eighter old birds or young birds to get a part for each year you belonged.
John belonded to club 10 years and flew 9 he gets 9 parts
George belonged to club 11 years and only flew 7 he gets 7 parts as long as he is a paid club member, but not flying
so as it is now the funds would be divided by 16 to determine what a part is worth.