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stevie jack

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stevie jack's Achievements


Hatchling (3/8)

  1. alf will get you a price the morra
  2. was up at muttleys today he had finished these
  3. the best birds i ever had were pollards cost 2 sheets of glass in 1993
  4. stevie jack

    Nest Boxes

    contact muttley 1 hes your man
  5. tom any word on the thurso race
  6. stevie jack

    Pigeon Force

    job well done have used pigeon force 3 times in last few weeks great service
  7. stevie jack


    there a lot of bead rattlers on here is there no
  8. contact muttley on pigeon basics hes your man
  9. billy g muttley is a goldmember now
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