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Everything posted by Ross

  1. Ross


    that's what I like to hear
  2. Ross


    Any problems thus far?
  3. Ross


    ok folks here's how it works.... First you must have a WRPD (http://worldpigeon.com) membership in order to use this new chat service... if you do not have one, click on the "Get a WRPD Chat Services ID" button located at the top of this page (http://worldpigeon.com/forum/alitalk/) once you have completed the registration, you may then log into the chat service. Once you have logged in: The first page you will see is for offline messages... (I will explain how this works another time if anyone is interested) Now click on the tab that says "Main Rooms", once there you will see "Live Pigeon Chat", either double click that OR, highlight it by clicking on it once, and then click the "Go To Room" button on the bottom right.......if you received any errors you should now be in the room and able to chat... Some may ask why I've decided to switch to this new system and why the need to login. Well it's like this, I'm sick and tired (as I'm sure most of you are) of the problems which arise from the frequent power outages we've been having this summer in Ontario. Mainly the changing ip address, but also it's not good for my pc, and since I'm not home much these days it can be days before I have a chance to update the server information. Not only that but with the sky rocketing price of electricity here leaving this box on 24/7 is no longer an option. As for the login procedure that's pretty simple, it makes it much easier for me to ban trouble makers. Also this new system should have a 99.9% uptime, it does NOT use java, which makes it faster to load and does not require any client side plugins. Hopefully this explains the changes,why I've made the changes and how to use the new system. If anyone still have questions or comments let me know. This system is as new to me as it is you, but I will be happy to assist in any way that I can. Most of all I hope everyone enjoys... Best Regards Ross http://worldpigeon.com/
  4. Ross


    As a result of the recent problems I've been having I have been looking for new chat software. And this is what I've found http://www.worldpigeon.com/forum/alitalk/
  5. Ross


    dns should update soon.....you'll just have to wait for that, it's something I have no control over....should update sooner than later though...
  6. Ross


    I just woke up and the pc was off, don't know why, but that's why it wasn't working this evening :s, should be fixed now......
  7. Ross


    I've been away all week, have to unpack, sit down & relax for a bit......should have time to fix the chatroom later today.....sorry for the problems... Ross
  8. We are having a severe thunder storm at the present time, as such the chatroom will be closed until it passes. I will be going out in the next hour or so, and if it has not passed by then I may not be able to get it back online until 6 or 7 (-5GMT) tonight. Ross
  9. we will forgive you this time rick, just don't let it happen again hehe seriously though it happens to use all sooner or later, ahhhh the joys of java
  10. If that were possible with the current scripts or planned for the future I would have said so......in other words no, there's no lazy way to ignore someone /ignore nickname it's not complicated
  11. I can handle most instances of abuse myself, however it is now summer time and as such it's becoming less and less likely that I will be home and have time for the pc. That said, the easiest thing to do is ignore them, if someone is making an *expletive removed* of him or herself. Here's and examply of how to use the igmore option: type this "/ignore girdy" (without the quotes). That's it that's all of course "girdy" would be replaced by whatever nickname one wishes to ignore. you can also send a pm to auto bot with the name of the person/s causing problems, please include the date and time of the issue however, this will make it easier for me when I am looking through the log files.
  12. Ross


    Problem Solved....
  13. Ross

    Ms pigeon

    Well well, I wouldn't want to be late with my homework if that's the kinda look one gets lol
  14. me in a bad mood ie; when the chatroom isn't working
  15. Ross

    Chat Room

    In response to the above all the logs show that people come and go from the room throughout the day, however more often than not they leave within 1-2 minutes of entering when there isn't already someone there. So to say that no one uses the room before 8pm (GMT) is incorrect. The fact is that certain regular users enter the room and actually stick around whether or not there is anyone else there at the time they enter, would be a more accurate assessment. In response to those having issues connecting, there is another way to connect which I will allow. However that will require downloading and installing a third party irc client. I will see about putting something together for that purpose when I have more time. As for why certain people are having problems with the web based java application I have no idea and as such cannot help you, I’m sorry. It has worked flawlessly for me from all the computers within the network and with several others I have tried outside the network, and clearly it works for a good many other members. Again I’m sorry I cannot be of more help on the connection issue. In response to one to one conversation, it is possible to have one on one conversations via the chatroom by using the private messaging features. Simply double click the person’s name you wish to have a private chat with.
  16. Ross


    The power was out here for more than 6 hours last night, so it's quite probable that everyone wishing to use the chatrooom will need to clear thier web cache and delete cookies in order to get into the chatroom... best regards Ross
  17. Ross


    Try again mate, it should be working, I see others in and out lots over the last few minutes.
  18. Why thank you Smantha :B Newman is his dad, Sugar is the mother, I've been calling this young man "The boy" lol
  19. A fine young man and me too
  20. Ross

    msn,yahoo ect

    you should never post your email address on any webpage in this format something@anything.com you will surely begin recieving spam in short order. for more info read this http://www.techsoup.org/howto/articles/internet/page1586.cfm
  21. ty everyone This was fun best wishes for 2006 to you all
  22. Ross


    There was a power outage here today, or so I was told when I got home from work and found the ip# had changed and the server not running. I've updated the records so all should be fine soon. If not already
  23. Ross


    I'm not about to go through the list of things I've had to do since JNS crashed : All I will say is that the reason the most recent downtime was due to the fact that the email service was chewing up disk space at a far more rapid rate than I had anticipated, therefore I had two choices, install another HD or stop offering the service. So I bought and installed the HD this morning.
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