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Everything posted by columbo

  1. 1306 ypm
  2. Ians wife has been struggling to look after the birds since his passing and has decided to let them go.For more info on birds ect, phone Ians cousin Mike Bennett 01259 720336 .
  3. columbo


    I would like to thank a Mr Gilchrist from granton ,who got one of my ybs in and looked after it and arranged for it to be taken back to fife and released by Brian chalmers, thanks guys
  4. columbo


    Came in last night,will liberate at fife side of tay bridge this evening at just after 6pm
  5. Lot2, 80,ta Done Thanks
  6. Lot2 , 60 pounds ,ta Done Thanks
  7. Well done Davie. Awsome result,you and your birds have been outstanding all season.
  8. columbo


    Came in this afternoon,will get b&b and a little help up the road tomorrow.
  9. Excellent fancier with top birds producing outstanding performances,well done.
  10. Well done, top flying
  11. Came in this afternoon
  12. the clown next door has put stainless steel spikes in the gutters at the back of his house,to stop my birds landing on his roof and wait for it... stop them nesting in the gutters and blocking the downpipes,i thanked him and told him he has actually done me a favour as my birds wont drink out of his dirty gutters now. its not as if my birds are on open hole,they get 1 hour in the morning & night,the ybs are out for an hour and half at night,oh and he hired a scaffold to do the job.
  13. cheers,will phone in the morning
  14. came in tonight
  15. bird came in on Monday afternoon,fed & watered,released yesterday in the Linlithgow area at lunchtime,the bird has now returned,i couldn't do that with my own birds.
  16. Dark pied found by non fancier,has a bad injurey.
  17. bird handed in by non fancier
  18. lot 8 £40,ta
  19. lot 9 £ 75 ta Thanks Ian
  20. lot 9 £60 ta Thanks Ian
  21. lot9 £50 lot15 £50 cheers Thanks Ian
  22. No3
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