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john nico

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Squeaker (4/8)

  1. we run 1 ov the best breeder buyer races in liverpool we paid out 13 000in prizes last year the race is from caratan 290miles+for many members ther woz a total ov 26 birds home on the nite last year any 1 wishing 2 particpiate in sending birds for the sale 4birds per loft contact me on 0782749 3012 we ar 2 have 3 sales al 2 b in march yours john nixon
  2. we brought 34 in last year they wer steady as young birds lost a lot, won a few cards with them but as yearling raced 5 cocks 1won niort 517mile on the nite 3rd fed and the other 4 wer second on the pond all brought in as sprinters????????
  3. started training 3 weeks b 4 5 5 miles then 12 12milers had 1 30 miler week b4 first racr they go everyday 12mile depending on weather won the first an woz 1 2 3 the second me 3rd race this week not goin till saturday nite cos ov bad forecast 4 sat day
  4. liverpool an the 2 races i never won i woz 2nd 4th 1 race plus 2nd 3rd 4th the other race
  5. av got all me race coks sittin now there will b a round ov late breds free 2 any who wants them they will b ov mostly winners won 4 on the pond had the only 4 birds home on tne nite niort 516 mile so iv any 1 intrested let me now
  6. we are at hereford my first yb race never sent them last week 98miles 2 me emptyed the loft the whole 36 av gone luks like a fast 1 2 morrow south wester no good 4 me
  7. mine as got 2 be a houben belonging 2 some 1 in are club top flyer the birds won 6 first also a fed topper the most rowned bodied cock i av ever handled it got 1 ov them eyes that people kringe 4 nut brown but strange iv that sound rite
  8. no news on the north west combine birds from forgerss they cud b libed in a north wind changing 2 south east wonts over the channal gud luk 2 every1 that is racn 2 day
  9. wot motivates me iz that u wil never top the fed lyin in bed,an tryin better than the last year thats more motavation 4 me
  10. just give her time she wil lay sum pairs are difrent 1 pair mite lay 8 days sum 10 days an so on
  11. john nico

    lost birds

    matbe they have gone of rainging and they have got the opposite way 2 the line ov flight yu have been training and racing from i remember havn a great yb season a few years ago the bird where flying out ov there skin on training 1 day the team came racing back and 5 kept goin never 2 be seen til this day
  12. yes thanx
  13. hear is the postcode iv it helps cf40 2lw
  14. yes pjc spelling rite a friend has had a bird there reported by a mr lles trealan mid glamorgan
  15. is there any1 on basics that live in trealan mid glamorgan
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