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Walter swanston

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About Walter swanston

  • Birthday 02/08/1933

Profile Information

  • Location
  • Club
    Lockerbie Racing Pigeon Club
  • Gender

Walter swanston's Achievements

Veteran of the Loft!

Veteran of the Loft! (6/8)

  1. Good for you Tommy
  2. I only learned today that Tommy had been ill.I wish h I’m al the best and a speedy return to full health
  3. Thank you everyone
  4. Great result.
  5. The drream will never die
  6. 1.. An independent Scotland 2.A united Ireland 3.Scotland back in Europe.
  7. Happy birthday Tommy huvnae heard from you for ages I was getting worried.
  8. Absolutely correct George an open discussion is by far the best no question.Inthe present depressing circumstances a postal ballot while not perfect is the best alternative.
  9. I am quite sure you are sir I make a general observation on hanging times. Should be changing
  10. My my what price now all those stalwarts who constantly and loudly assured me about 15 or so years ago that the true fancier was always present at his loft.How times have changed......for the better. My my what price now all those stalwarts who constantly and loudly assured me about 15 or so years ago that the true fancier was always present at his loft.How times have changed......for the better.
  11. Archie,I would not expect for one moment to be in front of NNS professionals. Should be NHS
  12. Renewed my driving licence last week and passed an eyesight test with the local optician today so hoping for the best.
  13. At nearly 88 years old I am hoping to be among the first to receive the vaccine..As I have hardly been out the place since February it cannot come quick enough.
  14. Happy Saint Andrews day to everyone.It coming yet for a’ that.
  15. Yes sir I can boogie
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