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preston powerblast

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Posts posted by preston powerblast

  1. I do agree mate and we should have the right to deal with thieving trespassing poachers, that we find our property.

    What would we do if we caught a person in our loft stealing birds?

    Why should these thieves be protected, killing and stealing birds from off our lofts.

    God has now become the RSPB. or so they like to think.

  2. This is a fair comment mate, because no doubt as this action grows then there will some financial implications that will arise.

    Thankfully at the moment everything has been managed to be done with very little cash outlay and any small amounts have been donated by myself and another few fanciers.

    There is much still to be organised and a clear list of objectives will need to drawn up.As will the help of many other fanciers and organisations. But this at the moment would not be worth the time and effort if the campaign is not fully supported by the fancy as a whole.

  3. Thanks for that mate.

    You have hit the nail on the head, but until we do act as a collective, then nothing can be achieved.

    I see grown men, crushed at the sight of hawk striking his best pigeon.

    I don't have all the answers mate and I can only talk about what I know.

    I'm just a normal everyday guy, who just trying to get everyone to voice their opinion as one, to make the higher ups sit up and take notice.

    Maybe if we can get somewhere with this action, perhaps there is half a chance the powers that be may listen to us.

    We can only try.

  4. One way street mate.

    This too should be an area that we use, the next time the RSPB creates an an onslaught on the pigeon fancy in general.

    That we are not slaughter men hell bent on persecution, death and destruction.

    But instead are caring people,usually family men and women, who help out charitable causes, because that's the kind of people we are.

    We are caring, responsible pet lovers, just like any other pet owner in this country.

    I'm sure our track record, could put many other groups in the country to shame.

    Why shouldn't we get the credit when we do good things.

    Because everyone seems to jump on the band wagon when allegations are made against the fancy.

  5. I agree mate 100%.

    But lets be realistic, if the fanciers don't say anything, then how do they know we are not happy.

    I'm still going through the SHU Reports and also others from the university of Lancaster.

    We need to show our support and solidarity, this is the only way forward. Then we can speak our minds, otherwise, we just have stop complaining at the state of the fancy and those who represent us.

    What chance of we got of ever dreaming to get the public on side, if we can't even get our own members onside.

    We are all as much to blame, as anyone.

  6. Thanks guys, this problem is not going to go away and to be quite honest, neither am I.

    I am trying to use every resource available to us, to highlight this very serious problem, that is threatening our sport.

    Thanks for your continued support, watch this space.

  7. But this wouldn't stop direct attacks on fanciers lofts.

    Someone else has come up with another good idea, concerning wildlife crime.

    Nest robbing and the illegal trading of bops.

    So why not release the said bops to the custody of the BOP bird trade.

    Obviously there would have to be a certain criteria for this.

    But it could be another avenue to discuss.

  8. It's the same story everywhere guys, I had an email of a guy who had been in hospital to have a knee replacement operation, he reported that already this year that he has lost 15 birds. It's that bad his neighbours are knocking on his door asking him to remove the carcases from their gardens.

    We have two old birds already taken off the loft, we've even started to lob trees down and an old telegraph pole, to stop it sitting there waiting for the birds come out.

    Were dreading letting the youngsters out.

  9. Your right mate, in fact you are all right.

    We do all need to get behind this and do our bit and all these issues do need addressing, but I am one fancier, if I can make this much noise, how much noise can a 100,000 make.

    We do need to bring the fancy in from out of the dark ages and bring it to the public.

    The public need to be aware of who we are and what we do.

    In Belgium and Holland it's promoted as a family sport, it's even on the TV. We need to get more trailers and take them to every town and city.

    We need to do school visits, community loft projects, hell there's enough spare land in the country to do this.

    There's lots can be done to promote our sport, but it has never been done.


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