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Veteran of the Loft!

Veteran of the Loft! (6/8)

  1. BD28


    It is a Logie club bird, sec - Bruce McKenzie tel 01382 818350.
  2. SNFC Brighton - 5.30 am , 5 mph North east wind.
  3. Like yourself I have kept pigeons a very long time. There is no doubt that it's a challenge trying to keep pigeons healthy nowadays, particularly youngsters. If I were you, I would get your birds tested and that should help to get answers to the problems you are experiencing. Good luck.
  4. I had another 2 return yesterday, so only 1 missing now 👍
  5. 👍 maybe more will return in the morning ?
  6. Thanks Dave. At around 4 pm today I was still 14 adrift but when returning from the club tonight 10 were back in the loft, so only 4 adrift now. My youngsters are still squeaking and yesterday was the first time they flew as a team. Quite relieved to have most of them return.
  7. Missing from yesterday - ring numbers - SU 23 DF 1661 to SU 23 DF 1688 + SU 23 AF 83. If found please contact 07707006647. Thanks.
  8. On behalf of Angus & Dundee Federations I wish to thank all donors and buyers for their support of our auction, it's very much appreciated. Thanks also to Pigeon Basics for allowing us to conduct the sale on their site, and to Joe Murphy for highlighting the sale in his column. Good luck to all the buyers with the youngsters purchased. Payment details will be posted in due course. Thanks again. Yours in sport Brian Donnelly.
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