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Everything posted by mickmcgrevy

  1. You got that right Albear, you need to have everthing right, pigeon, feeding, fitness, and that all important ingredient, LUCK, well done mate. Mick
  2. For those of you who may be interested, there are 5,977 birds booked in for this race. Birdage down no doubt due to the bad race from Fougeres. ALL THE BEST TO THOSE WHO SEND Mick
  4. Thanks for that SPORTKA
  5. This was advertised in the papers some time ago by one of the Derbyshire feds, can anyone help me with a contact number for the person who is organising it. £100 per bird max 5 birds. Thanks Mick
  6. Falaise, 323 with the BICC, hope the wind is differnet to the first one
  7. depends how good your eyes are lol .......... and what colour the bird is.
  8. On the east side of the country I think he comes up as far as leeds.
  9. Hi all, I agree with Jimmy White to a certain extent, better not to train at all than to train in bad weather. With regard to distance, you have to ask, why are you training them, I would say that for club racing you need not go far at all, in fact a lot of sprint flyers do not train after the first race. If you are flying in the national for instance, the birds need to be fit, but they also need to have the confidence to break and go their own way and not follow the drag, so more distance and single up will help them. Just my opinion All the best Mick
  10. There is a place called Tickhill just outside doncaster, I don't know if they have a pigeon club there or not. Hope this helps.
  11. Two 500 mile races in one year, not a problem provided that the first one wasn't to hard, If the races have been good I can't see a problem of a race every 2 weeks, not at 500 mile obviously, but I have sent pigeons on a few occasions back to 500 the following week and with good results, but it has allready been said you have to see how the bird is when it comes home and then make your mind up.
  12. All my yearling would go to Nantes 434 now its Cholet a little further, some would be sent to Saintes 538
  13. Rose, i agree with you it is difficult, like I said in earlier post, thats the programme so we just have to get on with it, not a problem for me.
  14. P Charlton, the breeding of the birds is a bit of a mix and match now, just what I considered to be good distance birds blended together.
  15. joined this year, and yes some may say that it is a little early for the first channel race for the new northern section, but there it is, thats the programme so you have to work with it. I think its about 323 miles to me Rotherham. It will be the first race for my birds, and all being well, I will be sending the lot, 50 ish. Good luck to everyone Mick
  16. with the GPS you can set it up and operate it where ever you wish it will log onto various satalites and cross reference with them and then give you the exact position that you are in
  17. The wing mark verification for the NFC and the Northern Classic was voted out at the last AGM, verification is now done by quoting the ring number only, ( Bad move i think, only my opinion )
  18. Palamos 828 sent 3 got three, 2 on result 1 just out of time. I wonder if they will do better next year, they will be getting the chance lol
  19. Georgeian Hotel Albert Road 5 mins walk from Winter Gardens, I will be in Scruffy Murphy's at about 1pm on Friday its a ritual, good guiness and a sarni, lovely
  20. mickmcgrevy


    Try this one www.upnorthcombine.com Im sure this will find you a corn suplier. Mick
  21. I had a pair from Dez, when paired together first year bred four to race lost them all, following year crossed them with my own and they were good. One cock as yearling won 2nd sec NFC Nantes and 2 weeks later won ist open Northern classic, another cock timed in on day from Saintes 538 forgot the position he won. So I supose I am saying, yes they are ok, I was and still am satisfied with them.
  22. Leave the carcass where it left it. IT WILL COME BACK FOR IT AND THEN???????
  23. Sounds a very interesting idea, i am sure there would be a lot of interest created and its certainly different.
  24. mickmcgrevy

    uk national

    yes you fly under the rules of the NFC, and RPRA
  25. mickmcgrevy

    uk national

    As far as I am aware section M covers all Scotland there were no boundaries put on when the new section was made
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