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In Egg! (Newbie)

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  1. Lot 4. - £40 Lot 9. - £40 Lot 10. - £40 Lot 14. - £40 Lot 24. - £40 Lot. 31. - £40 Thanks Puggy
  2. Glenrothes & Leslie Ripon (2) B Kinnear 1077 B Kinnear 1062 B Kinnear 1042 B Kinnear 1041
  3. Glenroyjes & Leslie Sedgefield 2 Turpie & McCord 1248 B Kinnear 1237 B Kinnear 1236 R Wilson 1214.99 Turpie & McCord 1214.59 R Wilson 1206 B Kinnear 1192 B Kinnear 1191 B Kinnear 1190 B Kinnear 1189
  4. B Kinnear 1407 B Kinnear 1405 B Kinnear 1401 B Kinnear 1400 Turpie & McCord 1397 B Kinnear 1382 B Kinnear 1300 R Wilson 1369 Turpie & McCord 1360 S Ramsay 1351
  5. R Wilson 1732 Turpie & McCord 1718 B Kinnear 1695.9 B Kinnear 1695.7 Turpie & McCord 1692 B Kinnear 1687 S Ramsay 1684 B Kinnear 1674 B Kinnear 1673
  6. B Kinnear1202 B Kinnear1200 B Kinnear1200 B Kinnear 1199.6 B Kinnear 1199.5 R Wilson 1163 Turpie & McCord 1144 R Wilson 1139 B Kinnear 1135.5 B Kinnear 1135.4
  7. Puggy

    Stb Ribbons

    can anyone help to obtain good old fashioned STB inked ribbons which would last a reasonable time? the ones we have purchased recently are of poor quality and last only 2-3 weeks!
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