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In Egg! (Newbie)

In Egg! (Newbie) (1/8)

  1. Reading your description that you have either updated a driver or it's currupted the windows installation. Which version of windows are you running xp, vista, 7? If you don't have any thing important on it - it may be easier to reload windows back on
  2. The bird has been removed into my kitchen next to the rad - i'm hand feeding it as it's not eating. I've put it on amoxicillin which we have in our home at 50mg per day (250mg capsule into 10ml of water - then used 2ml). If it improves by monday great but if not then its the bin. I spoke to the vet and he tells me he needs a reasonable amount of droppings - but as its not eating there not much point taking it there. I'm hoping it's salmonella or just the shock of travelling or the very cold weather we are having - plus its a young bird.
  3. The bird is not suffering from any eye problems, breathing or any discharge from the nose. Which chlamydia shows I really want to keep it for next years breeding programe - i'm thinking it could be a gut problem after reading this http://www.auspigeonco.com.au/Articles/Dropping_In_Race_Season.html
  4. I've got a few new birds and there in a seperate loft. There's one that has slimy green (very very dark green) droppings. Just wondered what it could be. Any suggestions would be appricated. It's not eating - so i've put in a cardboard box in kitchen near the radiator and hope to hand feed in the morning small seeds.
  5. Just to let any one intrested know that there will be a fancy pigeon show this saturday at the Rushcliffe Leisure Centre, Boundry Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7BY.
  6. I've added linsead seeds to the feed today. I was told that not to add vinegar as the babies crop can't cope with the vinegar. So i've avioded all through breeding season. Is this wrong?
  7. My birds have started to malt - i've been adding homoform to the feed and some peanuts now and again plus some multivits once a week. Is there any thing i could add to get better feather qulaity? I've not given the vinegar as there as some babies still in the nest - All have feathers but not ready to be weaned. Should i give them breswer yeast?
  8. It is a great show 2 massive halls - One hall full of fancy, the other full of other type of birds in pens as well as large displays. Last year they had a indoor lake with ducks swimming - the really do make an effort. It took me few ours to go around and see the fancy pigeons - in the end i started skipping pens as its just too much for one day. So the second day was part fancy pigeons and ducks etc. At 235pp its not too much for a 4 start hotel plus breakfast and travel to leipzig. Also you can bring back pigeons as there are sales pens in the show - but i don't think you can bring back chickens or ducks due to defra rules. Its a good social in the evening quite alot of people bring there partners / kids as it's family frendly trips. Also there are a lot of people who just like to go out in the eveing and enjoy the german beer.
  9. I know that there are a few people here that keep fancy pigeons. Andrew Lowe who runs The Nottingham, Blackpool and Doncaster fancy pigeon shows is organising a coach trip to Leipzig Germany from the 6th to the 10th December. There are thousands of fancy pigeons on show plus chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys – all sorts of birds. I went last year and there were well over 10,000 pigeons on display. http://www.europaschau-leipzig.de/en/content/welcome-european-show-leipzig-2012 If anyone is interested please contact Andy on 0115 8460527
  10. I remeber going to doncaster last november, does any one know the dates for this year?
  11. I've lost 2 fantails - Yellow and white sadles since monday. They look like this - http://www.freewebs.com/kjcii/American%20Fantails%202-27-11%20007.jpg I shouldn't think they can get very far - so should be within the coventry / west midlands area. I don't know there ring runbers but they had white NPA rings. Thanks
  12. I'll find tomorrow morning and pay any bills - but can you confirm if the person is willing to collect.
  13. I have a had a bird reported in at a vets at that The Reddings - Cheltenham. Just wondered if there was any one close by who is intending to come to coventry or near by. Or alternatavly does any one want a show racer - I sold this bird last year 2011. But i don't know the deatils of the new owner. I don't know what condition the bird is in - but i could ask the vets if you want to have it.
  14. Hi I keep kings Do you want show quality or just for the garden? Just to add that the show quality kings are rather expensive, however if you want some for the garden i could arrange some to be bought for you at blackpool. I will be at Doncaster next month showing my kings as this year they will have a fancy section.
  15. I need some advice. I keep show kings (fat fancy pigeons) and there covered in lice - i've tried ivermectin drops and hyperdrugs easytox with some sucess. After 2 weeks i can still see a few feather lice. I've ordered Eqvalan Horse Wormer Paste - can i give them this during the molt as there are a few still going through it? Also i need to vacinate them for pmv. Any advice how i should wait betwwen them?
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