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Hatchling (3/8)

  1. caitlin


    can the national averages be win anywhere in scotland or is it just down 2 loft location, or could good pigeon men win it anywhere any section
  2. Don't no that's why I was asking Poor Poor
  3. In last ten years they have wiped the floor in fed racing . But very poor in nat racing Do they not just send small teams in fed racing ie.20/30 pigeons a week
  4. How does the macs clean up Lanarkshire fed every week not just winning but with team performances . But when they fly with snfc they lucky 2 get one. But never have a team performance .wonder why
  5. Every body fly were they r so why start all the p*ss about east again west old rope if ur not happy we're u stay move if not shut up
  6. Wrong again mate Come 2 the east at least u get in a club plenty room for u over here
  7. Wot about billy holland
  8. Blood will tell then race them hard in racing and don't look for excuses. No matter were you stay . 500ml plus on the day we are looking for
  9. caitlin

    C Mccann

    Currie must be 1st drop in the fed and then u can see them goin east 2 west . 1st pigeon is a good winner. The rest is Just loft location one big batch.
  10. With so many fed toppers do you sit in a good bit in the fed and how far do they win out 2'
  11. caitlin

    Well Done Dkj

    Well done good flying in the snfc 2 win 100+ tickets
  12. Well Walter wot now no pigeons on the day strong south west wind . Tailor made for the north section boys. Think it's a case of good doo.s and good doo men no matter wot. Well done all the winners today.
  13. I concurr. Top pigeon man
  14. Put it 2 bed Well that just shows when the pigeons r rite u can get them no matter were u stay Fit pigeons win races
  15. Ur birds never cleared the race point they were still flying about race point 25 minutes later
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