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jonny's Achievements


Squeaker (4/8)

  1. jonny

    Su 12 Ml 594

    grizzle resting in sunderland tyne and wear
  2. jonny

    Su 11 3502

    thanks lindsay
  3. jonny

    Su 11 3502

    just in tonight in sunderland has ets ring on ( strange that doesnt have a prefix letter )
  4. foun alive and well in sunderland
  5. jonny

    Su O9 1848

    recieving TLC in sunderland tyne & wear. any takers ( ML )
  6. get me an address and i will get it tomorrow
  7. john smillie john@smilie4107.freeserve.co.uk
  8. jonny


    mark is there anything you dont know. lol
  9. kevin reynolds sunderland . will try and get a number for you
  10. jonny

    ets sale

    why do you need large pads ? I use unicon and my entrance is 6" high by 5" wide ive had no problems but when I had it 14" wide they wandered back and forth before entering . its not oftenyou get a lot together ( unless training ) but with a small entrance they shoot through it ( been using it 2 years )
  11. good luck to all and let me be the first to wish everyone a merry christmas
  12. which other forums are having a show ( only want to peep )
  13. and smaller than me . but its pat thats the pigeon person
  14. tony ive had birds off bob scott and theve done well for me and he tells me he flies well
  15. dagenham bob .. bob and pat scott dagenham trades and elm park.. west essex fed
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