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Hamster Girl

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Everything posted by Hamster Girl

  1. Thank you homer. The man I bought her from, his wife atleast, has a whole flock, I suppose it would be, that she totes off to shows. The one I bought was one he said his wife said was a good bird - but wasn't what his wife wanted to take in the group she'd been making a list of.
  2. Bruno - righto, thanks for the advice. Good to know that maybe this time around I can breed my ybs and get some bebe's of their own... Minus disaster. ^^
  3. Thank you both - It seems when I get home from classes today I will be digging out the garlic form the kitchen, and dropping a clove in both waterers. ^^ Thanks for the link Tammy.
  4. I've seen the threads - but what exactly does the Garlic do for the birds? I have waterers that are about a cup and a half of liquid - would I just peel a bulb and toss it in? Any suggestions on what I should do to help them out, as this will be my second time breeding birds, and I want nothing to go wrong {like the first time - female was eggbound and died at some point in the night. :'(} this time. Anything would be greatly appreciated - I'm hoping to be able to increase myself to a small flock of white homers to rent out for weddings/birthdays etc for flying and such.
  5. Thanks - I looked up some information on a site I know to be useful - and there was no photo for the bird listed as Domestic Flight... So.. If anyone out there has any birds looking like mine, Black teager and with a crest - please, let me know! I have to skedaddle for class now - but thank you all for being so helpful!
  6. Thank you Martinalison - I know that site, I used it when I had my Norwich Cropper. Ah, everyone here is so helpful! I'll be looking forward to any other suggestions as to what it is - Ash Red seems just as likely as Mealy does... Note: The only reason I say Mealy is plausible is because my old Cropper had very similar colouring. o.o
  7. Thanks for the help - any other thoughts are welcome. It will be a few months (Small Animal tag-day for fair in January) before I can get ahold of the "Bird Man" in our area so I can get his professional opinion.
  8. Hello-hello! I bought this pretty little girl yesterday, and I believe the man stated she was a Standard Flight pigeond, black tigger (tea-gurr?). Since I show my birds at fair, and am currently debating whether I will do showmanship with one of the four I have, (2 White Homers, Mealy Figurita, and this girly), I need to know exactly what everybody is - thus I can make my choice.. SO! I suppose my question is, is there such thing as a Standard Flight, and if so, does this bird conform to the standards of the Standard Flight?
  9. Hah, thank you both.. I wasn't sure if I was going to use th eValencia for Showmanship this fair or not - expecially if I didn't know the color! Well, that narrows it down a wee bit. Thank you for both of your help.
  10. I recently (yesterday) went to a mans house to buy some birds and of them I procured a mated pair of Homing Pigeons, a Valencia Figurita and what he said was a Black Tiggered (he pronounced it tea-gurred) Standard Flight. So, my question today is, what color would the Figurita be? He said blue - but it has reddish-brown bars on it's wings. Anybody out there able to help me?
  11. So I would essentially keep that one or two birds in my home, separate rooms etc. Aww... My pigeon used to dance to me whenever I opened the backyards door - ah well.. Hopefully I can get some more soon.
  12. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by but the rest of it I understand. So, would the best time to begin rearing be the moment they are fledged out, or before that? And, I'm sorry for th emultiple questions, what is cage feeding? By the by, nice site. I enjoyed looking at it the other night. Very nice WOE's. I enjoyed looking at the Blue(Black?) Check hen, and the Red (Ash? Dun?) Hen. Very pretty, and lovely "Bald markings." Thank you!
  13. Thanks, all of you for the suggestions. I suppose the next step after getting the birds is to round up a group of people who will mill about while I hold them and put them through the paces required at the show. ^^ @Wiley: Pouters, though, aren't they normally supposed to strut about and puff up to show themselves off? I'm not sure if there is a difference between Pouters and Croppers, (I was told by the person I bought from, I had a Norwhich Cropper), but another person told me that that kin dof pigeon was one who would normally be semi-aggressive.
  14. Thank you so very much. I was freaking out over my multi-posts.. Usually that doesn't happen to me, unless there's a glitch in the system of the other forums I've joined in. ^^; I'm looking forward to getting a few questions I have answered. Anyhow, thanks again for sorting the multi-posts.
  15. I suppose this has been asked before - though I didn't see any threads for it when I looked.. At the Fair which I showed my birds at, the judge would ask some of us to put our birds in cages on the table to have them pose and set themselves up. Recently I saw a video of what I belive was a Turkish Tumbler, and it was free standing on a table, waltzing about as if it was the most unconcerning thing in the world. { http://youtube.com/watch?v=jQbntyHCXmM } So my question I suppose would be how would I go about training my next set of birds to be as calm, cool and collected as that guy? I understand that likely there is a lot of handling involved - but when I went about it with my last, WOE, he continuously attempted to fly away... Which goes unsaid that probably I wouldn't win ribbons if my bird took off. ^^; Any hints as to what I should do, or even could do? Thanks for any and all help.
  16. Yes I did notice that, but also I noticed several people of US location. ^^; Thanks for the welcome, and I too hope that I find some information.
  17. I don't know if this is truly the correct thread to post this under - but it mentioned "new" so, here goes.. I'm semi-new to owning pigeons, having only had three in the past few years. Recently the last of my group has passed on, and I am looking into trying a new breed out for fair this coming year.. I had a West of England Show Tumbler, and truly do love them - but I was thinking more along the lines of a Fairy Swallow of Thai Laugher.. Any suggestions from anyone? Also - know where I could get ahold of a pair of either the aforementioned? I am in the US, and have limited money at the moment as College is getting ready to start up again. ^^; I am located in the South West corner of the States.. So I suppose my main question for that part is, does anyone know a breeder - or someone who sells - Fairy Swallows/Thai Laughers near Arizona? Thank you for all the replies.
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