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  1. The loft is elegant. It would be nice to see the buildings around the loft too. Depending on their height and distance to the loft, the birds might stay on those buildings, and you don't want that.
  2. For Steve Hole: Can you please post some technical specs of the device? The most important thing of course, what particle size does it work for? 0.5 ... 0.3 microns? Thank you.
  3. Can you please tell me the name of the device to search online? Thank you!
  4. Wow Clockman, thanks, this is again, something new for me. Are you talking about a device like this? http://www.minimate.co.uk
  5. I was so happy for your tips with that device and so I was kidding - yes, I will use the mask, of course and I think I will introduce the coat too. I don't spend too much time with the birds inside the loft, most of the time I call them out and I spend hours with them this way. Thanks for the homemade device link, but I am far from handy so I think I will just buy one (or two!) By the way, people say that "open" lofts will prevent PL. Well, my current loft has a full wire mesh wall, and another wall 1/2 wire mesh and I still got pigeon lung. When the birds flap their wings, loads of dust rises from the floor. Another myth - smoking. My father smoked a lot (he gave up recently) and he has really bad pigeon lung. I would like to make some interviews with fanciers with PL for the website, to see how they manage everything: loft descriptions, methods, protection, etc. Is anybody interested?
  6. Oh my God! Larry, thanks, that device looks like heaven. With it and the loft project I posted I think I can even forget about the mask. In fact I think I will install 2 devices just to feel even more relaxed LOL. Also, there was an article years ago, about some kind of fruit juice named "mangosteen" or something like this...said to have anti inflamatory effects and believed to work very well in PFL too. Never tried it, if anybody did, please say. DOVEScot, I am sorry, I can't read the article from your link even if I registered there.
  7. Hi, I am a 29 years old fancier that has "pigeon lung". I never had problems for the first 2-3 years, then I started to cough and have fever after being exposed to pigeons. My father has it really bad but he doesn't like pigeons. My case is interesting because I only get fever and chills when I get back to my pigeons, after being away from them for 1-2 weeks. If I continue to be with them daily (no mask) I just have productive cough in the morning and that also becomes mild. Anyway I don't want to play with my lungs, so I use Aircap model #4 now, which is very good. I am mad about pigeons so I decided to learn everything I can to be able to keep them, even if I have PFL. I read some PL threads here and learnt that there are some fanciers who also have it. I would like to create an online community for this where we can help each other with advices and news. I also made a website: http://www.racing-pigeons.org/pigeon-lung/ - any suggestions for it are greatly appreciated. My current loft is open (one wire wall) but it still collects a lot of dust on the floor. So, for PL, the floor is the main problem. I "designed" a sketch of my future loft... I think that this setup would be dust free. What do you think? Other measures to limit the exposure would be: - only marathon races (a few) - a few pigeons - rarely enter the loft (for banding the babies, catching the racers) - natural approach (free mating, open nest boxes - jungle law, the best breeds) - feeding the pigeons outside on the ground (I always loved that) - open the loft from outside I don't care too much about winning races but I care a lot about being able to keep my pigeons. Thank you for any replies.
  8. Thanks. I got that. A list with all the articles(titles) you can get by subscribing would be great.
  9. Wonderful resource. Thank you! Does anybody have the full list of titles of the articles you can get by subscribing to Winning Magazine?
  10. Hi, I had the same problem, and here's an older post where you can get some ideas: http://www.pigeonbasics.com/forum/blah/m-1167071163/ . Good luck and try to help the yearlings a bit... I think it's necessary. Some older cocks can be a real pain, we don't want stress in the loft.
  11. Tony, you are right! The thing is, there will never be 50 OBs. We must race long distance over the mountains and very few birds remain in the end of the season. I estimate I will always have about 20 mature birds or less.
  12. Thank you for the replies! PIGEON_MAN: The "big room" is 3x3 meters, with the back wall filled with 25 nest boxes for the old birds. I would keep the YBs in their own loft but because of my job I sometimes have to be away from the birds for weeks, and for my father who doesn't really enjoy pigeons but has to feed them daily, 2 rooms are the maximum I can get. bruno & Back garden fancier: I feel better now, thanks! I had to do it anyway, but I feel better that other fanciers use this method too. Bruno, I kept the late breds with the OBS, and also noticed that this way, the youngsters enter the loft faster and are much tamer.
  13. Hello. I want to change something in my loft and I want to see what you think - is it a really bad idea? If yes, why? My loft has two rooms and for now I used them this way: 1. Small one: young birds 2. Big one: old birds + some stock(in freedom) I want to get some really good stock birds this winter. The problem is that I can't setup a new room/loft. So, I want to move the stock birds in the small room of the loft and starting from 2008, keep both old birds and young birds racers in the same room - the big one. I have a big empty wall where I will install V perches for the YBs. I know that, for example, the YBs won't train so good when the flock is mixed with old birds... but I don't think this is a really big problem for me. I want to focus on long distance, keep a small team and race @ natural. What do you think? Will my "mixed birds" be ok? Thanks!
  14. Hi! As far as I know, for people it's a different situation - the body works different.
  15. Great info, thanks! So, I guess I will stop giving them electrolytes!
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