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In Egg! (Newbie)

In Egg! (Newbie) (1/8)

  1. Any news on the UNC yet ?
  2. thanks for that mick bowler if cleaning out every other day is leaving it to long then it is obviously that.
  3. hello, my late bred team has started to get furry droppings and was wondering if anyone new of any medication which would help this.
  4. a couple of flyers down our allotment told us to pull them out they said they pull them out but not send straight to the race.
  5. Hello, i was wondering if anyone knows and can give any information about or how to prevent blood flights im not sure if that is the name on them its under there wing when you pull them out they have blood on the end do you leave them in pull them out and what is the cause of this? any advice would be appriciated.
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