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In Egg! (Newbie)

In Egg! (Newbie) (1/8)

  1. Thank you to everyone for their input and advice. It would appear that they are riddled with worms as we have a smear that shows loads of roundworm and hairworm ova. I hope my interpreataion is right, but it looks to me like two round worm eggs (lower right & one hairworm top left) with air bubbles around as well. The photo is not clear but hopefully shows the eggs. Treatment next - oral, in water or on skin? Do they recover?
  2. Again, thank you all. I will try all parts and it may end up with Derek being right! I have got some cattle Baytril (20%) and so could dilute down in some water for them, but Peter may be right and I might just set them up for other diseases. Its all very new to us and I don't want to disappoint my son (whose birds they are really. As far as I can tell these birds were only born in September and October so are very young. then of course we bought them about 3 weeks ago and they were stressed by a big move to a new place. No other pigeons around for them to get disease from, but stress does all sorts!
  3. Delboy - I am sorry, I obviously missed the terminology - you are saying euthanase already rather than investigate? Often a good way. These are fancy birds rather than racers so there is less urgency, but I will take on board your advice (if that is what you meant). I guess I am too much of a novice to even understand 'wheelie'!
  4. Thank you for the replies so far. Dal - they have not been allowed out yet, but have plenty of apace (I think) the loft is 18ft x 8ft. The older birds (all seem fine have a half with nest boxes. The younger birds (2013 crop) have half with 18 V perches for 12 birds. Geordie - I would happily run a screen on droppings, can you be a bit more specific on 'belgica weerd' - what is that. I presume I get either a swab or a sample in a sterile tube for the tests. If you point me to the right place I will definitely get the tests done. Old Yellow - I am buying some baths tomorrow, they will be about 22" across and can be filled as needed. So if 6 litres, how much cider vinegar would you add? Many thanks
  5. We have some new birds that have been with us about three weeks now. Out of the 25 birds, 3 or 4 look (on occasion) ruffled and slightly dull. They are eating with the others, their droppings are not watery. They roost on the floor rather than the V perches, but otherwise do not seem to be worried. The floor is clean, their water is fresh and clean and the feeders are spotless. In the three weeks of having them, there is no real change, that is the ones that are dull now were dull on arrival and this was assumed to be transport to a new environment. Do you recommend group treatment with an antibiotic or wormer or just make sure they are kept warm and comfortable. Any advice to someone who would be happy and knowledgeable with livestock but unsure about what to do with birds.
  6. Wow, Thank you for the speedy welcome and advice. There are about 12 young birds and 18 perches, so now I will wait a few days to see as suggested. I don't want to get it wrong and let down the birds or disappoint the new pigeon fancier - its keeping him away from the computer! Thank you.
  7. Hello. We (my son & I) have just set out on our new hobby together and have invested in a group of fancy pigeons (Taganrogs). We have spent the week building a new loft for them, 16ft by 8ft split into two. My wife has converted bookcase with home made nest fronts for one side and V perches for the young birds on the other. If the photos work you will see them in their new home this evening. We are still making a few more nest box fronts and they should be ready this week. We need any help and advice anyone chooses to supply on keeping them and on the breed itself. However as a first off, can you say if we have done the right thing with the boxes and perches. The older birds seem very at home in their boxes, but as can be seen on the photos, the young birds have all taken to the floor rather than the V perches? Have we done something wrong. Any suggestions on our new venture. Kind regards Rob
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