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Guest LBuddle

They Lay and go lesbian every year!! During the race season all 4 corners on the Hens section have a nest bowl with at least 2 Lesbian hens sitting egg. We leave them and we have had some good results with lesbian hens.

Actually we had Two 2009 Hens this year do well being Lesbians "44" was 6th Section E, 33rd Open NFC Tarbes 547 miles paired to another hen sitting 4 eggs and in a training race "25" won 1st ES, 2nd Open BICC Tours 260 miles sitting 6 Eggs with 2 other hens.

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Do you think this reduces or impairs there cocks performances ????

Guest LBuddle

No not at all, as we have done this for years our birds have just got used to this system. Where we send everything that is fit & ok every week somewhere We have found that on return from a training race the Hens are just glad and excited to get into the cocks section and their nest boxes and are quite happy to wait for their OR any cock to return to go with them, If a cock comes first we have a couple of Old retired Hens that we put with them if their hen is not back or lesbian.


what percentage of your lightly raced young birds do you loose as yearlings ? and how many years did it take before you got a good team to fly 500 plus miles ?

Guest LBuddle

obviously it varies each season but I would guess we loose 20-30% of our yearling each year. It took us about 4 years to build up a decent team of long distance cocks & hens. In the start you have got to not be scared to loose them, Send them don't expect to much out of Long Distance racing for the first couple of years, Then when you find the pigeons that come through for you and your system build around them like we did with the mother of our loft "Buddy".


What's the breeding behind the dam of the loft Buddy ?????

Guest LBuddle

The Mother of our loft is "Buddy" Winner of 2nd Section E, 4th Open NFC Pau 2002 542 miles.


"Buddy" is Dam and G-Dam to:-


"Amoy" 1st Open Bicc Pau 544 miles clocked on the day of liberation,

"BC" 2nd Open Bicc Pau clocked on the day of liberation,

"25" 1st Sec, 2nd Open Bicc Tours.

"Bolt" 4th Open Bicc Pau,

"Pipi" 5th Open Bicc Barcelona 676 miles.

"75" 9th Open Bicc Tarbes/Agen

"D900" 17th Open Bicc Pau,

"D19" 19th Open Bicc Narbonne 555 miles,

"Portia" 21st Open Bicc Psu 2011

"44" 31st Open NFCTarbes 2011.

"Miss 45" 41st Open NFC Tarbes 548 Miles,

"Portia" 43rd Open NFC Tarbes,

"Miss 45" 177th Open NFC Tarbes clocked on the day of liberation.

Plus many other reliable racers.


**Her sire is;- GB98D03923 A Brother to B.C Williams “999†7th BICC Pau & 5th BICC Dax, Haisnworh & J Taylor Newslad lines.


**Her Dam is;- GB98N20298 her Sire is a full brother to B.C.Williams “Conquerour†1st BICC, 6th International Hens, 43rd Open International Perpignan 599m and her Dam is a Dtr of “Gallant†1st Open BICC Perpignan 599 Miles 1985 for B.C.Williams. Goring & Brian Denney lines




At what distance do you consider racing turns to a test of endurance rather than a race ???

Guest LBuddle

The longest we can race at the moment is 676 miles From Barcelona and I think that the birds are still racing at this distance ( providing its an early one ) 800+ miles I think would be more of an endurance test rather than a race.

I would love to have a go at a race from Rome though if the chance ever came about.

Guest LBuddle

Clock a Day bird from Barcelona :P we can all dream!!

We would love to win NFC Tarbes or BICC Barcelona, actually to stay consistant in the International races and to clock from all of them again in 2012 as we did this year. Only 2 members managed to clock in all the Internationals in 2011. The races are



Bordeaux (agen)





On the birds return from the longest race how do you treat them ie : feed and water / supplements and are Electrolytes used ???, Also when pairing what is your preference do you inbreed line breed or cross breed ???

Guest LBuddle

Vitamins and Glucose are give straight away on return and for the following two days also. Then a couple of days Ropa-Diar.

When paring our birds we only go by performances. We linebreed to Buddy.


Do you look for birds with a certain wing beat ???? And what do you consider to be the best wing condition for your type of racing ??? and when would you consider the wing state not to be good ???

Guest LBuddle

We dont really pay to much attention to the wing. We do look to make sure they have atleast 9 full flights as we have them sometimes dropping more than 1 flight at a time. I must say that by the time Perpigngan comes around in August some birds are struggling to have a good wing as we wont send them with less than 6 full flights left to go.


At what age would do you retire birds if they are top performer ???

Guest LBuddle

The sort of racing we do you never get to retire many birds, they normally end up MIA!!! We retired "Game" at 7yrs old and "Thirty8" at 6yrs old. These two are the only old stagers we have ever had to retire.


Have you made any introductions of birds to add strengthen to your stock this year ??? and which fanciers birds would you like to try in the future ????

Guest LBuddle

We brought a Cock from the Derek Lawton sale Two weeks ago and we intend to pair him to a Dtr of "Amoy" our 2009 Bicc Pau winner.



This is Him.


We have some really nice new stock in 2009 + 2010 from our best birds loaned out for others to put to their best and we shared the yb's.


When selecting birds what type of pigeon do you look for small /medium/ large long cast, deep keel , apple body ?

Guest LBuddle

We Don't like Big pigeons as we feel this can hinder the amount of hours they can fly at speed in a day, But apart from that we don't actually look for anything in a pigeon. When buying in and trying new pigeons we like them to be Direct of a Long Distance mutiple prize winning pigeon, at the most a grandchild.

The best way to get top pigeons is top swap with other good fanciers OR to loan your best to top fanciers for them to put to their best and share to young birds.


How do you choose a bird to go the distance is it purely family and/or breeding or just process of elimination ??

Guest LBuddle

Basicly if its in our Loft then it goes 500+ miles, we don't have any middle distance or Sprint pigeons. So really it is a process of elimination as if they are No good then we just don't get them. people who haven't raced International have No idea how hard it is just to get them home "Sometime" let alone at a good Velo. Being liberated with German, Dutch, French, Belgian pigeons is quite a wide spred drag! especially in a West wind!!!


What advice would you give the novice or anyone wishing to fly Nationals / internationals ????

Guest LBuddle

Patience!!!! find a system you want to try and try not to change it to much each season! Don't be scared to loose pigeons. Race them hard BUT fairly, giving them enough time to rest when they need it. Don't panic if you are behind in short races (up to 300 miles) We are happy from the short races if we are 10-15 mins behind the winner as we know there is nothing wrong with our birds just lacking motivation to win a short races.

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