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History Of The Fund

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The Pigeon Basics Charity Fund (PBCF) was officially set up in August 2010 at the Royal Bank of Scotland Westhill Branch Aberdeen

The account is a Treasurer's Account which requires two signatures. The two nominated persons are Sapper756 (Brian Herd) & Dovescot (Duncan Reid)

I am the Administrator of the account and as such do not sign any cheques


The idea of the account was so we could keep a correct record of how much you the members actually donate to charity


The first deposits were very late in being deposited because the RBS could not understand why the administrator was not required to sign cheques. After two months of complaints it was resolved that it was not required and I received a settlement of £150 which was put into the fund

First Payment's were made to Doreen Briggs for a fun run she and her daughter Lisa competed in

Second payment was to Fifer for the Leven boys 97 football team

I will log each payment in the following posts



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