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When eggs are laid..

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if there is more than just the one pair of birds using the food/water dishes then i would move it if not leave it /dont move the nest or parents may abandon it /eggs start to chip 19 days from 1st egg being laid/they may start to look for food of their own after 17+ days/dont worry about them jumping out of the nest they are quite tough i have had fall from about 5 foot and they have been fine

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hi phelo have you got any other birds sitting if so mark the eggs and drop the eggs under two others replacing the eggs for dummy ones when birds get back lock them up till they sit eggs once their sitting tight replace their eggs and they should be fine

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Well, there's no worries now.

I woke up this morning, did some house work, and went out to see my birds and their egg.

They must have gotten in a tiff about who was going to sit - or just for th eheck of it, because the egg wasn't there. When I opened the cage and poked my head in further, they were both sitting on a crossbeam looking at me, and then I looked down.

Seems that the egg was shoved out of the nest, so that's a bummer.

Are pigeons like chickens in that, when a chickens egg breaks in a coop - all the chickens make a mad dash for it and try to eat it, or do pigeons just let it break and leave it alone?

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