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When eggs are laid..

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When pigeons lay eggs, am I right to assume they are different from ducks and chickens?


Chickens and ducks, upon reaching an age, will just lay and lay and lay.


Are pigeons the same, or ar they like Budgerigars (Parakeets), who only lay when bred?


And - if this is the wrong forum, I apologize, I'm still learning to navigate to the correct board now that general is gone. ^^;


Thanks to all, and I hope you have wonderful days..

I'm off to my choir class!



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Not always the case, we paired up last year and got four eggs :B :B :B

Turned out to be two hens :B


Still been stimulated by running eachother, its how nature made them and no method in the world will change that. I have had hens pair up when I've been short of a cock and put the one hen in a section to get trod by a cock from a different pair 2 or 3 times a day then when the 2 hens laid their 4 eggs waited till the 2 fertile ones started to turn and threw the others away. They are funny though when sitting at night cause they used to have a little squabble and sit side by side with one egg each lol

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Huh.. so ... They can lay eggs regardless the fertilization...

They seem to be like mini-chickens.


Thanks both of you - I'm hoping though, that I've got a cock/hen pairing... I'd like to see the baby of a Valencian Figurita (with crest) and a Domestic Show Flight (with crest)... Cross your fingers!


It'd be an oddly double crested offspring I hope.. :D!

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Not always the case, we paired up last year and got four eggs :B :B :B

Turned out to be two hens :B



:D :D :D what an absolute cracker  ;) ;) ;) of a post "Dovescot". Another example !!!! again, of how pigeons. Can make fools of us all. No matter how smart some of us ??????  :P :P :P may think we are.

Love it  ;D ;D ;) ;)



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have you got any pics of parent birds to post


In fact, I was looking all through the files I have on the campus computers and I realized, "Just go to photobucket, silly!' So yes, yes I do have some photos.


This one was sitting on the nest last night, though I don't know if that's a shared responsability or if the male does night shift, or vice versa..! {Valencian Figurita}


And this is the other one. {Domestic Show Flight}


Unfortunately, I have no other photo's here, but have many more at home. Give me a few hours to get through my last class and get home, I'll put more up tonight - or for everyone across the puddle - tomorrow morning.

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:D :D :D what an absolute cracker  ;) ;) ;) of a post "Dovescot". Another example !!!! again, of how pigeons. Can make fools of us all. No matter how smart some of us ??????  :P :P :P may think we are.

Love it  ;D ;D ;) ;)



so your saying that the hens just sat quietly side by side and eggs just happened? I think not your kidding yourself, study the reproduction of the species a little more deeply, they chased each other and stimulated one another dont worry thats obviously why DOVEScot thought they were a proper pair, they had him fooled by the sound of it till 4 eggs appeared so not so dumb after all  ;D

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so your saying that the hens just sat quietly side by side and eggs just happened? I think not your kidding yourself, study the reproduction of the species a little more deeply, they chased each other and stimulated one another dont worry thats obviously why DOVEScot thought they were a proper pair, they had him fooled by the sound of it till 4 eggs appeared so not so dumb after all  ;D


They certainly fooled me, I seen them preening and necking but not treading, but not into the voyeur stuff so may have missed it ;D ;D ;D

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Can't speak much about ducks or chickens, except the bit on TV a few weeks ago on battery hens. Yes she lays continuously because the egg is removed as soon as laid, but after a year of constant laying she's spent, and she's turned into meat paste.


But hen pigeons usually lay only on stimulation from a cock, or at a push, another hen. Regardless of the sex of the other mate, [yes, 2 cocks at a push too] in pigeons at least, treading does take place, and if 2 hens, you will get 4 eggs, one will sit alone during the day [as a cock does] but at night, both will sit them together, side by side.


Be careful taking eggs away from the hen pigeon. The rule of thumb is that she has to sit her eggs at least 10 days after laying the second egg, before you remove them.  The reason is that if you took them away as soon as she's laid her second, yes the pair will start to go back down for another round, but the hen pigeon risks damage to her oviduct, and when she lays, her oviduct drops to the floor along with the egg. Never any good for breeding after that, likely to happen again.


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Can't speak much about ducks or chickens, except the bit on TV a few weeks ago on battery hens. Yes she lays continuously because the egg is removed as soon as laid, but after a year of constant laying she's spent, and she's turned into meat paste.


But hen pigeons usually lay only on stimulation from a cock, or at a push, another hen. Regardless of the sex of the other mate, [yes, 2 cocks at a push too] in pigeons at least, treading does take place, and if 2 hens, you will get 4 eggs, one will sit alone during the day [as a cock does] but at night, both will sit them together, side by side.


Be careful taking eggs away from the hen pigeon. The rule of thumb is that she has to sit her eggs at least 10 days after laying the second egg, before you remove them.  The reason is that if you took them away as soon as she's laid her second, yes the pair will start to go back down for another round, but the hen pigeon risks damage to her oviduct, and when she lays, her oviduct drops to the floor along with the egg. Never any good for breeding after that, likely to happen again.


Pigeons I am still learning about but Chickens ???

A good breed of chicken will lay 300 eggs a year some as little as 200. A chicken egg takes 4 weeks to develop, and the shell has 7 layers added to it before it is laid.

If you let the hen sit and brood without taking away the eggs she will stop laying, same happens if you introduce a cock

Found it amazing that there are 28 eggs at different stages inside a chicken over that period

Battery chickens are culled after their second year of laying as they tend to drop in production and then turned into chicken soup, paste and glue

We had a hen still laying at nine :)

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I hope you keep us up to date with that pair and post pics of the youngsters if any as I for one am curious to see what they throw Hamster Girl


Indeed! I'm hoping it spawns something... XD Here, now that I am home, and at three am most fo you if not all are asleep, I'm gonna throw some more photos of them up.. These are all when they first got "home" within a few hours. Nothing fancy, though I intend to take more, better ones.

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so your saying that the hens just sat quietly side by side and eggs just happened? I think not your kidding yourself, study the reproduction of the species a little more deeply, they chased each other and stimulated one another dont worry thats obviously why DOVEScot thought they were a proper pair, they had him fooled by the sound of it till 4 eggs appeared so not so dumb after all  ;D



What I said was !!!!!!!, These pigeons made a fool  ;D ;D out of Dovescot (Sorry Dovescot  :P :P) as experienced as he is. Because he just thought they were a male & a female. Many could relate to this situation here I'm sure.

No mention was made, whether they hatched or not for what I saw/read, if they did we all know a lucky  ;D ;D ;D cock was involved etc.

Now !!!!!! if one thinks that hens on there own will not lay, one is mistaking. Because under certain conditions, they will lay like chooks (well at least every 10 days) if you allow them, which only a fool  ;) ;) ;) would allow, & they certainly don't need a cock to stimulate them in this process of laying eggs etc (hatching !!! different story) & if you doubt me, in what I say I will show you a loft full of old hens, on there own, & not a cock in site. Happily sitting on eggs etc.





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nice pics quite like the figurita, keep us posted with what the young turn out like


I like it too, th eonly down side is that for some reason it's eyes, both of them are tu-tone. Like, they are kind of a golden color, but the bottom half of each eye, it's like, bronze-sienna colored. Unfortunately, this will be a disqualification when I bring it to fair.. I didn't see that when I bought it though, I was in the loft examining the birds and I assume th elight wasn't quite good enough to pick it up right away..

Either way, the Bird man here in town told me it looked like something settled to the bottom of the eye, an dmaybe if I held it upside down for a few minutes before show - it would all go right side up and spread about evenly. ;D :D:D:D

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What I said was !!!!!!!, These pigeons made a fool  ;D ;D out of Dovescot (Sorry Dovescot  :P :P) as experienced as he is. Because he just thought they were a male & a female. Many could relate to this situation here I'm sure.

No mention was made, whether they hatched or not for what I saw/read, if they did we all know a lucky  ;D ;D ;D cock was involved etc.

Now !!!!!! if one thinks that hens on there own will not lay, one is mistaking. Because under certain conditions, they will lay like chooks (well at least every 10 days) if you allow them, which only a fool  ;) ;) ;) would allow, & they certainly don't need a cock to stimulate them in this process of laying eggs etc (hatching !!! different story) & if you doubt me, in what I say I will show you a loft full of old hens, on there own, & not a cock in site. Happily sitting on eggs etc.





You missed what I said, the hens that are laying are being stimulated by eachother stick them in a box on their own and they wont lay like chickens cause there is no sexual stimulation which is probably why Im not laying either lol  ;D

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You missed what I said, the hens that are laying are being stimulated by eachother stick them in a box on their own and they wont lay like chickens cause there is no sexual stimulation which is probably why Im not laying either lol  ;D


Fare enough !!!!!!!!   ;) ;) ;D ;D It looks as if I'm, going to be a very very very busy boy, over the next month or so. One could say "Building Boxes"  :D :D :D.

Re Laying !!!!!!  :) :) I won't use those other 2 words you mentioned above, but I was muted many years ago  ;D ;D So it appears to me ?????? (Could be wrong) neither of us  ;) ;) have much stock potential now !!!!!!, by the sounds of it, as  :( as it is.




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For bedding in the nest, what should there be?

It occurred to me the shredded paper probably will papercut the babies to death. D:

I have hay available, but if I put it in the nestbox, will it bring harm to the bebe' upon and after hatching? I was thinking, it's alfalfa hay - but it's pretty dern dry - so would it puncture its skin?


I need suggestions so I can go and Splinter Cell my way into the nest and arrage it some during the night. Please help?

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What I said was !!!!!!!, These pigeons made a fool  ;D ;D out of Dovescot (Sorry Dovescot  :P :P) as experienced as he is. Because he just thought they were a male & a female. Many could relate to this situation here I'm sure.

No mention was made, whether they hatched or not for what I saw/read, if they did we all know a lucky  ;D ;D ;D cock was involved etc.

Now !!!!!! if one thinks that hens on there own will not lay, one is mistaking. Because under certain conditions, they will lay like chooks (well at least every 10 days) if you allow them, which only a fool  ;) ;) ;) would allow, & they certainly don't need a cock to stimulate them in this process of laying eggs etc (hatching !!! different story) & if you doubt me, in what I say I will show you a loft full of old hens, on there own, & not a cock in site. Happily sitting on eggs etc.





No problem Lennut, I have been fooled many a time, but the good thing is I am clever enough to learn from it sometimes, not as often as I would like to but enough and more than a lot I know, maybe I need to get out more ;D ;D ;D

One thing for definate, if it lays eggs its a hen :)

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i use straw and that doesn't do them no harm,i also save feathers from the last moult and they use these as well


Thank you. Err.. I s'pose my next question would be...

The nesting spot the birds chose is a good foot, if not a foot and a half off the floor - as are the feed/water dishes...

Should I be moving both food and water dishes to the floor in preparation for the babies?

And how long before they are off looking for food of their own?

And... (so many questions) Should I move the nest to the floor and secure it there, or just let it alone? I mean, if the squab isn't mobile until it's fledged (and by mobile I mean jumping out of the nest) do I worry about it managing to flip itself over a nest 'wall' of like.. two, three inches?

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hi can any1 help me i have a pair of tumblers just laid and they are not incubating the egg's the second egg was laid wednesday night does that mean these eggs are infertile or will they incubate later they also have flown the loft with the eggs in nest as this is my first experience of this i am looking for some advice any1 help !!!

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