DAVE1975 Posted February 4, 2008 Report Posted February 4, 2008 how do u post a new thread in the miscellaneous items 4 sale it says You may not post new threads on this board thx in advance
Webmaster Posted February 4, 2008 Report Posted February 4, 2008 The message you're getting is because you have a post count of less than 10. Post a few more times to other sections of the forum and it'll disappear The post count block is there to deter people from signing up to the forum soley to sell items. Richard
DAVE1975 Posted February 4, 2008 Author Report Posted February 4, 2008 ITS JUST HOW I SPEAK MATE YO NO WAT I MEAN AY
DAVE1975 Posted February 4, 2008 Author Report Posted February 4, 2008 Aa have not, am not Aanchboon haunch bone Aass buttocks Abac(backer) backwards, take back Ackidock aqueduct Adrenchen soaked Afar(furder) afar, eg "He went furder than me" Ah yes Aither either Aive heave, lift Aks(axe) ask Anent against, next to Anny(Onny) any Anunst against, next, eg "The housen anunst hisen" Ar our Armole a euphemism, used only as a vulgar retort Aud(oud) old Babby baby Backen delay, keep back Bai(bay) am not, eg "I bay gooin' ter tell yow agen" Balies belly or bellows Bamfoozle puzzle, bemuse Bawk hinder or confuse Belloil hammering, thrashing Beezum a broom of birch, also playfully a pert young woman Bibble pebble Bile boil Bin(ben) been, have been, are, have I bin affirmative reply to question Blaberen to talk idly Blart cry Blenchen to flinch Blether a bladder, eg "Blether yed" - a fool. Blobmouth blabbermouth, eg "'Ers a right blobmouth. Tell 'er terday, the world knows tomorrer" Blowse bloom, especially on fruit trees Blubren crying, eg "Ar kids blubren agen" Bobowler large moth Boffle hinder Bofumble bemuse Bonk small hill Broo'us brewhouse or outhouse Bost burst, past tense Bosted Bostin literally "bursting" but actually "very good indeed" eg "We 'ad a bostin time" or "Ers a bostin wench" Breffus breakfast Bunny-fire bonfire Bunt push, shove, jostle Cack excretia, eg "The babbie's cacked 'erself" Cade spoil (a child) eg "cade and cosset" Caggy left-handed Cagel to hoe Cag-mag gossip Caggy left-handed Camplin gossiping Catlick hasty wash Caw(cor) cannot, eg "I cor goo the'er terday" Chate cheat Chops mouth Fittle Chimdy chimney Chuffed pleased Chuky chicken, fowl (children's word) Chunter grumble under one's breath Clane clean Clack uvula, eg "Just stop yer clack" Clobber clothes Clomber climb Codge a poor job, eg "He's made a right codge of it" Coddin joking, eg "Goo on, yum coddin me" Cooss cross Coost could you ?, also negative "thee coosnt" Cost can you ?, also negative "I cosn't" - I cannot Crack fun, entertainment Craw crop of a bird, as in "that sticks in my craw" - I cannot believe it Croddle huddle together Craunch crunch Cut canal Dahb daub, smear Day(day) did not, eg "I day see 'im comin" Desay dare say, very likely Dishle cup of tea Dock to stop or hold back wages Doe do not, as in reply to question: "I doe" Dollop large quantity, usually of food Donny hand (children's word) Dowl down, soft hair on the face Duck evade, dodge 'E he, pronoun used to describe the husband or household head Faggots Black Country dish made from pig's organs, onion, sage, bread crumbs Fai®ther father Fettle excellent condition Scuft Fittle food, victuals Flen fleas Flics cinema Forby nearby, at hand Franzy irritable, particularly fretful children Frit frightened, eg "doe be frit" Frowtsy dishevelled Fun found Gaffer master, employer, perhaps husband Gain handy, skilful Gammitin playing the fool Gammy lame Ganzy an under-vest Gawby a simpleton Gawk an ill dressed person, or to stare, eg "Who am yow gawkin' at ?" Gawp(gorp) open mouthed, staring Gillyvor wall flower Ginnel entry between houses Glad-iron smoothing iron Glass'us glass house Gleed ember Gob a piece of something Gob spit, or mouth, eg "Shut yer gob" or "'Er's got a right gob on 'er" Gobble gabble Goo go, eg "Am yow gooin' ter the flics ?" Grawty(Grorty) groat (grain) eg "groaty dick" - a local dish, mixture of groats and meat stewed together H this sound is not used Ift heave, lift Ike beckon forward Ivver-ovver hesitate, eg "Stop yer ivverin' an' ovverin' an' get on wi'it" Jeth(jed) death (dead) Jiffy brief moment, eg "E woe be a jiffy" Job poke out, excrete Jole bread pan, large earthenware crock Joobus suspicious, dubious Kell the lining around a *expletive removed* Keffle lumbering, awkward, person Kench to sprain, especially the back Ketch catch Ketchpit cesspool Kiddle dribble Lamp to beat or thrash, eg "Ee giv' 'im a right lampin'" Lather ladder Lezzer a meadow Lickle little Lief as soon as Loff laugh Lommock (OR lummock) clumsy, lumbering, eg "Yow big lommock" Lover common term of endearment to children Trankle Lungeous play roughly, inclined to horseplay Madden to make wild, annoy Maitrum matron (of a hospital) Maulers hands Maunch to chew carefully (as with no teeth) Meegrum facial contortion, eg "He's got the meegrums" - bad tempered Mither to be disturbed in one's sleep, to be pestered Mo must not Moach to idle about in a bored fashion Monty pert, precocious Mucker confusion, eg "All of a mucker" Mumchance dolefully, dejectedly, bored Mun must Munch ill treat, eg "sly munchin" - sly pinching or poking Myther to bother, to irritate, or be irritated by Nairun none, not one Naither neither Nash soft, suscetible to cold, weak Natty tidy, neat Nerker a mischievious boy Niggle to find fault in insignificant things Nineter a terrible man, a tartar Node known, eg "I've nowd 'im for 'ears" Noggen yedded stupid, thick Noggin thick piece of bread Noo new Nuss nurse Ockerd awkward Ode old, eg "Th' ode lad" - the devil Odge push, eg "Odge up" - move up a bit 'Ond hand Omber(Ommer) hammer Ood would Ooman woman Oot will you Opple apple Oss horse Ote hold, eg "Ketch ote on it" - take hold of it O'thatnin' in that way O'thisnin' in this way Owern my husband, my son, my daughter, often used by women to denote member of family Owsen houses Zowk Pail beat, eg "I'll gi' 'im a good pailin' when 'e cums whum". Passnip parsnip Pikelet muffin Pither potter aimlessly about Pittle pickle Potch forestall Pothery close or stuffy Powk sty on the eye Puss purse Rantan violent mood, eg "on the rantan" Raunge climb clumsily over a gate Rawling carry a weight too heavy Rawm to strain in reaching or stretchings Reesty rancid (of fat, butter, or cheese) Rile(Roile) scramble about Rodny an adle fellow Sad heavy, as in bread that does not rise Saft stupid, soft (in the head) Saided sated, glutted Sawny simpleton Scratchings remains left after rendering lard, regarded as a Black Country delicacy Scuft to box the ears Shommock to walk with a shuffle Siden out of perpendicular Skraze graze, scratch Skrobble a tangle of wool, string, and the like Slake to slash or cut with a whip Snape to snub Splod flat-footed Spockle to cover with drops of moisture Spottle splash Sock liquid manure Soople to soften, make supple Squob old fashioned settle Stale steal Steen stew jar or earthenware pot Stond to stand Suck sweets Suff sewer or drain, eg "Up the suff" - down the drain Sup to sip, a sip, drink Sussifikut certificate Swelth swelling Swilker to spill or splash Swopson a heavily built woman, used in a semi-humorous sense Tack up improvement in the weather, eg "It'll tack up tonight" Tacky-bonk a pit mound Tai(tay) tea, also "it isn't" Tabber to tap repeatedly Tank sharp blow Tek take Tek after to resemble, look like physically, mentally, or emotionally Tewthree a few, two or three, always used as a noun preceded by "a" Thrial group of three, used only inthe card game of Cribbage Thrope thrash Tizzicky having an irritating dry cough Tittle tickle Tranklements small possessions, bits and pieces, paraphernalia Trapes walking aimlessly about, eg "Trapesin' in an' ott like a dog at a fair" Trussen to trust Tummy a snack, especially a collier's mid-morning snack Tunky a fat pig, eg "As fat as a tunky" Unkyoothe uncouth Volve valve Welly nearly, eg "Welly clemmed to jeth" Wench girl, still commonly used by parents towards daughters Werrit worry Whimsey pit head winding gear Wiouten without Wool whole, often of a brick : "A wooly 'un" Wurse(Wuss) worse Wum(Whum) home Yawle-Yaup bawl, shout or cry loudly Yed head Yer your Yow you Yum you are Zowk yelp, cry out Zad the letter Z
DUBLINFLYER Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 nice 1 mate! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D no wot mean? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
DAVE1975 Posted February 6, 2008 Author Report Posted February 6, 2008 cheers chris u gotta av a laff ay ya ;) ;)
tommy d Posted February 6, 2008 Report Posted February 6, 2008 DAVE1975 said: ITS JUST HOW I SPEAK MATE YO NO WAT I MEAN AY we no what you mean, we have a few foreingners on here. ;D ;D ;D ;D
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