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I've noticed since I bought him, my cock tends to carry a feather either he or his hen shed. He'll walk about the pen and just tote along a feather, sometimes trading it for another one he can find.

Occaisionally I see him put it down, pick it up, move a few inches, put it down and pick it up again, and he'll do this repetitively for several minutes.

I've not seen him do this recently.. Can I attribute this to a "nest-building" compulsion? I've seen sparrows and swallows, crows, starlings and  the occaisionaly robin do this sort of behavior..

Is it the same thing {roughly}?


{Apologies if this is the wrong forum, I wasn't quite sure where to put it.}

Thanks all.

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birds will carry anything they think is good nesting material , some bits they pick up and sometimes reject it , my birds bring leaves and twigs in when there on the garden , sometimes they blow in to loft and they used them. Nest building comes natural to all birds ( except  cuck-coo's )

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Guest chrisss



My fingers will be permanently crossed until I see proof of babies.... D:



daft point i know but where have you put the nestbowl?

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Nest building comes natural to all birds ( except  cuck-coo's )


Who are too lazy to do anything and just usurp someone else's work. ;p

It doesn't cease to amaze me how well it fools it's surrogate parents, especially when the true young is shoved from the nest.



daft point i know but where have you put the nestbowl?


On the floor, my cage is taller than it is wide with random width perches criss-crossing it. There was a nest I'd nailed to it, but the heat dried it out and it's breaking off. So the current shoebox nestbox is on the floor, next to a shallow pie-plate filled with water. If eggs appear, I will bring my feeder I used when I had a clutch of ducklings, also floor level and  easily accessed by anyone.

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