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as the 2009 race season is coming to an end ive been asked to run the shows for my club was wanting any ideas as to make the shows good  ie classes age sponcors  etc also looking for judges to judge shows plz feel free to reply

thankyou jason


last year we did around 6 shows having around 90 pens alan houldsworth run the show last year wich was a great success we had old hens old cocks young cocks young hens any age any colour any sex  and all prize winners all threw the wire

we all sponcerd a show 20 pounds each and was also donated a trophy

this yr ill be running the shows and im looking for any ideas and help



Guest pigeon82

through the wires cocks and hens, eyesign,colour,old coccks 200 miles,old hens 200 miles, so on to over 400 mile old coks and hens young cocks hens,at certain distances and we used to do this years ago with nearly 500 600 pigeons we had in one show very big and 2 long days for our club but good way of making money for club and for charitys thats just a few ideas we also had show racer classes but no fancy birds hope this helps

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