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You'll recognise two names tho : herpesvirus and streptococcus [enterococcus] as pigeon pathogens, the 'human' versions of which can cause meningitis in humans.


Interesting.  :)


How serious are these, the report suggested there was nothing to worry about as the tests were all clear, and trivialised the meningitis

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;D ;D  ;D only meant that it would be simpler to understand if the vet told you the name of the organism found in the birds brain, bird brains ;D ;D  ;D


Think its hard to get your head round a pigeon with a human disease like meningitis, it is for me anyhow just like the previous mention of a pigeon with a human disease - 'ringworm' [ feather rot   ;D ]


Whit causes meningitis, whit causes ringworm?  :-/

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How serious are these, the report suggested there was nothing to worry about as the tests were all clear, and trivialised the meningitis



I would trivialise it too, after all its not a recognised avian disease. But Herpesvirus is. Said to be no obvious symptoms other than the bird just isn't right: hunched, fluffed feathers, moves jerkily. Abnormal head posture and crooked neck. Worth querying what the organism was.

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VLA are a series of government animal health laboratories throughout Britain, experts in their fields. Had thought they were known as Scottish Agricultural College up here tho, responsible to SERAD, the scottish equivalent to DEFRA..

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But Herpesvirus is. Said to be no obvious symptoms other than the bird just isn't right: hunched, fluffed feathers, moves jerkily. Abnormal head posture and crooked neck. Worth querying what the organism was.


Will do, any more info on Herpesvirus, this was similar to symtems of bird


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they seem to only cater for chicken, turkeys, ducks, geese, pheasents and partridge i might be wrong  :-/ :-/


Aye and if you take your pigeon along as I did they will test that too, I am sure all the above catch similar ailments and tested for same

You seem to be questioning validity of report or am I wrong

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Bit on the long side:-



Understanding Herpes Virus in Pigeons



Dave Rupiper DVM

Kenneth T. Briggs DVM, PhD





Herpes virus, also known as Infectious Catarrh, is a contagious, persistent virus causing respiratory and neurologic disease in pigeons. In its breadth of clinical signs, occasional virulence and persistence in carrier birds, Herpes infections of pigeons somewhat resembles diseases caused by similar Herpes species in other domestic animals. (Fortunately, Herpes infections are very specific to their natural hosts -- we can't infect our birds with our varieties, nor can we contract the pigeon forms!) Birds having Herpes infections are often concurrently infected with Mycoplasma, Chlamydia (Psittacosis/Ornithosis) and bacteria.1 As a result, signs of disease may not always be straightforward. Herpes virus was first identified in pigeons in the U.S. in 1945 and in other countries during the next 40 years.2 Multiple types of Herpes virus affect other species such as raptors, waterfowl, psittacines and poultry.2,3


Herpes virus in pigeons may be of two or three different forms. The most common form, Pigeon Herpes Virus (PHV), may cause mild respiratory and liver diseases. Two strains of PHV have been isolated, mild and severe PHV.4


The second form, Pigeon Herpes Encephalomyelitis Virus (PHEV), may cause paralysis, torticollis (twisted necks and rolling) and other neurologic signs without causing respiratory signs, making it difficult to distinguish between PHEV and Paramyxovirus. Fortunately, PHEV has not been reported to be a significant problem in the U.S. but may be observed in birds imported from the Middle East.


The third reported form of PHV causes inflammation of the cloaca and vent but the distinctiveness of this form has not been confirmed.2


Etiology (Cause) and Transmission: Herpes virus belongs to a group of DNA viruses known as the Herpeviridae which includes the viruses which cause Marek's Disease of poultry, Duck Plague, psittacine Pacheco's disease, and Infectious Laryngotracheitis of chickens.5 PHV is usually passed from affected adults to squabs during feeding. It can be transmitted by nasal discharge as well as in saliva, feces and urine. In most flocks, PHV is already present but birds only manifest signs if the strain is severe, as with PHEV, or the birds are stressed by management problems and concurrent diseases.


Signs: PHV causes upper respiratory signs. These include reddening of the eye, cere and lids, nasal discharges, graying and filming of the mouth and oral cavity, and occasionally open-mouthed breathing. These respiratory signs and discharges are referred to as "catarrh." Other symptoms include fluffed posture, depression, diarrhea, weakness during flight and anorexia.


PHEV causes neurological signs such as paresis ( muscle weakness), paralysis, circling, seizures and twisted necks. PHEV is also much more severe than PHV and may result in rapid and high mortality within a loft.


Diagnosis: The classic diphtheritic (filmy slime in the mouth) upper respiratory signs are fairly diagnostic for PHV but may be confused with the "Ornithose Complex" involving concurrent infections of Mycoplasma and Chlamydia. Diagnosis is most easily achieved via necropsy (autopsy) of an affected bird. Special staining of the spleen and liver allows a pathologist to identify special inclusions within the cells which are called "intranuclear inclusion bodies" or "INI bodies." The liver and spleen often have tissues damaged with PHV.


Treatment: There is no cure for the disease and only through improved management can we hope to achieve control.6 Treatment with a drug called acyclovir may help control severe signs but the disease often returns if the medication is discontinued. It is best to allow Herpes virus to run its course and let the birds develop a natural immunity. Passive immunity (antibodies are transferred from parents to squabs in "crop milk") protects the young until weaned. Isolation of obviously affected birds is recommended since they are often infected with other contagious diseases as well.


Prevention: Killed and live virus vaccines have been formulated, but these only prevent shedding and dissemination of the virus from affected birds. Vaccines do not prevent pigeons from being carriers of Herpes virus.2,5 Natural infection of mild strains with subsequent immunity is still the best method to protect a flock from virulent strains of PHV.2


Like so many diseases of our birds, prevention and treatment often depend on cleanliness, good husbandry, good nutrition and preventing overcrowding. The days of keeping six inches of dry litter on the loft floor to prevent disease are gone, just as using NFZ to control canker and Paratyphoid is obsolete. Intense competition at shows, performance flying of young birds and increased production of squabs are placing more demands on the fancier in order to still be competitive. The key to success is educating ourselves about the disease process and by progressive management of our lofts.




1. Schrag L: Healthy Pigeons, 6th English Revised Ed, Hengersberg, W Germany, Schober Verlags-GmbH, 1989, pp 48-53.

2. Tudor DC: Pigeon Health and Disease, Ames, IA, IA St Univ Press, 1991, pp 34-38.

3. Fraser CM (Ed): Part VI, Diseases of Poultry. in Merck Veterinary Manual 6th Ed, Rahway, NJ, Merck & Co., Inc., 1986, p 1272.

4. Kaleta EF: A Selection of Disease Syndromes in Pigeons. Proc 1st Conf European Comm AAV, 1991, pp 77-81.

5. Dorrestein GM: Viral Infections in Racing Pigeons. Proc AAV, 1991, pp 244- 257.

6. Marshall R: Management of Pigeon Diseases. Proc AAV, 1990, pp 122-135.




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Aye and if you take your pigeon along as I did they will test that too, I am sure all the above catch similar ailments and tested for same

You seem to be questioning validity of report or am I wrong


no just very interested and out of curosity, i would just like to know the vets answer when you do speak to him thats all if possible :)


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no just very interested and out of curosity, i would just like to know the vets answer when you do speak to him thats all if possible :)



Aye, sorry but its been a long week, thinking we had paramyxo and maybe going to loose all our birds

Will post results when I speak to vet :)

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VLA are a series of government animal health laboratories throughout Britain, experts in their fields. Had thought they were known as Scottish Agricultural College up here tho, responsible to SERAD, the scottish equivalent to DEFRA..


the sacc is nothing to do with VLA ,[in the sense their differant depts] my understanding was the VLA was at  lasswade , however nothing to do with the place i was talking about this was a dr, briant [s a c c ], i dont know that doc you mentioned [ive never had anything to do with that dept ] all deps must notify defra [if its a notifyable desease ]

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Bit on the long side:-



Understanding Herpes Virus in Pigeons



Dave Rupiper DVM

Kenneth T. Briggs DVM, PhD





Herpes virus, also known as Infectious Catarrh, is a contagious, persistent virus causing respiratory and neurologic disease in pigeons. In its breadth of clinical signs, occasional virulence and persistence in carrier birds, Herpes infections of pigeons somewhat resembles diseases caused by similar Herpes species in other domestic animals. (Fortunately, Herpes infections are very specific to their natural hosts -- we can't infect our birds with our varieties, nor can we contract the pigeon forms!) Birds having Herpes infections are often concurrently infected with Mycoplasma, Chlamydia (Psittacosis/Ornithosis) and bacteria.1 As a result, signs of disease may not always be straightforward. Herpes virus was first identified in pigeons in the U.S. in 1945 and in other countries during the next 40 years.2 Multiple types of Herpes virus affect other species such as raptors, waterfowl, psittacines and poultry.2,3


Herpes virus in pigeons may be of two or three different forms. The most common form, Pigeon Herpes Virus (PHV), may cause mild respiratory and liver diseases. Two strains of PHV have been isolated, mild and severe PHV.4


The second form, Pigeon Herpes Encephalomyelitis Virus (PHEV), may cause paralysis, torticollis (twisted necks and rolling) and other neurologic signs without causing respiratory signs, making it difficult to distinguish between PHEV and Paramyxovirus. Fortunately, PHEV has not been reported to be a significant problem in the U.S. but may be observed in birds imported from the Middle East.


The third reported form of PHV causes inflammation of the cloaca and vent but the distinctiveness of this form has not been confirmed.2


Etiology (Cause) and Transmission: Herpes virus belongs to a group of DNA viruses known as the Herpeviridae which includes the viruses which cause Marek's Disease of poultry, Duck Plague, psittacine Pacheco's disease, and Infectious Laryngotracheitis of chickens.5 PHV is usually passed from affected adults to squabs during feeding. It can be transmitted by nasal discharge as well as in saliva, feces and urine. In most flocks, PHV is already present but birds only manifest signs if the strain is severe, as with PHEV, or the birds are stressed by management problems and concurrent diseases.


Signs: PHV causes upper respiratory signs. These include reddening of the eye, cere and lids, nasal discharges, graying and filming of the mouth and oral cavity, and occasionally open-mouthed breathing. These respiratory signs and discharges are referred to as "catarrh." Other symptoms include fluffed posture, depression, diarrhea, weakness during flight and anorexia.


PHEV causes neurological signs such as paresis ( muscle weakness), paralysis, circling, seizures and twisted necks. PHEV is also much more severe than PHV and may result in rapid and high mortality within a loft.


Diagnosis: The classic diphtheritic (filmy slime in the mouth) upper respiratory signs are fairly diagnostic for PHV but may be confused with the "Ornithose Complex" involving concurrent infections of Mycoplasma and Chlamydia. Diagnosis is most easily achieved via necropsy (autopsy) of an affected bird. Special staining of the spleen and liver allows a pathologist to identify special inclusions within the cells which are called "intranuclear inclusion bodies" or "INI bodies." The liver and spleen often have tissues damaged with PHV.


Treatment: There is no cure for the disease and only through improved management can we hope to achieve control.6 Treatment with a drug called acyclovir may help control severe signs but the disease often returns if the medication is discontinued. It is best to allow Herpes virus to run its course and let the birds develop a natural immunity. Passive immunity (antibodies are transferred from parents to squabs in "crop milk") protects the young until weaned. Isolation of obviously affected birds is recommended since they are often infected with other contagious diseases as well.


Prevention: Killed and live virus vaccines have been formulated, but these only prevent shedding and dissemination of the virus from affected birds. Vaccines do not prevent pigeons from being carriers of Herpes virus.2,5 Natural infection of mild strains with subsequent immunity is still the best method to protect a flock from virulent strains of PHV.2


Like so many diseases of our birds, prevention and treatment often depend on cleanliness, good husbandry, good nutrition and preventing overcrowding. The days of keeping six inches of dry litter on the loft floor to prevent disease are gone, just as using NFZ to control canker and Paratyphoid is obsolete. Intense competition at shows, performance flying of young birds and increased production of squabs are placing more demands on the fancier in order to still be competitive. The key to success is educating ourselves about the disease process and by progressive management of our lofts.




1. Schrag L: Healthy Pigeons, 6th English Revised Ed, Hengersberg, W Germany, Schober Verlags-GmbH, 1989, pp 48-53.

2. Tudor DC: Pigeon Health and Disease, Ames, IA, IA St Univ Press, 1991, pp 34-38.

3. Fraser CM (Ed): Part VI, Diseases of Poultry. in Merck Veterinary Manual 6th Ed, Rahway, NJ, Merck & Co., Inc., 1986, p 1272.

4. Kaleta EF: A Selection of Disease Syndromes in Pigeons. Proc 1st Conf European Comm AAV, 1991, pp 77-81.

5. Dorrestein GM: Viral Infections in Racing Pigeons. Proc AAV, 1991, pp 244- 257.

6. Marshall R: Management of Pigeon Diseases. Proc AAV, 1990, pp 122-135.




Cheers bruno, I thought I was good at net searching, sounds spot on and hope to get clearer understanding when I speak to vet :)


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the sacc is nothing to do with VLA ,[in the sense their differant depts] my understanding was the VLA was at  lasswade , however nothing to do with the place i was talking about this was a dr, briant [s a c c ], i dont know that doc you mentioned [ive never had anything to do with that dept ] all deps must notify defra [if its a notifyable desease ]


Aye they used to be a defra department at Lasswade and still addressed as same, but they have moved to the Bush estate, just off the Gowkley

Moss roundabout

You need to get out more in your area no far fae pentland park ;D ;D ;D

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the sacc is nothing to do with VLA ,[in the sense their differant depts] my understanding was the VLA was at  lasswade , however nothing to do with the place i was talking about this was a dr, briant [s a c c ], i dont know that doc you mentioned [ive never had anything to do with that dept ] all deps must notify defra [if its a notifyable desease ]


Learn something new every day.  :) Had a look at VLA website and they have a facility in Scotland; awfy close to you Jimmy  :)


International Research Centre

Pentlands Science Park

Bush Loan






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Learn something new every day.  :) Had a look at VLA website and they have a facility in Scotland; awfy close to you Jimmy  :)


International Research Centre

Pentlands Science Park

Bush Loan





Aye its something when a fifer has to tell you about your local services ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Do you think ma test results are coatia :)



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Aye they used to be a defra department at Lasswade and still addressed as same, but they have moved to the Bush estate, just off the Gowkley

Moss roundabout

You need to get out more in your area no far fae pentland park ;D ;D ;D


think your getting  wee bit mixed up here ,, the sacc at the bush estate is not defra [but all these depts must notify defra of notifiable diseases ] the vla is another different dept [ which is mainly for farm animals]at the bush ,  then there's the dick vet at the bush, the large animal practice at the bush the small animal practice ....all different departments [but all must notify defra of notifiable diseases ]   all im saying is you would have been quicker with the sacc as this is their expertise

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