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Everything posted by Whitepied

  1. I was wondering if anyone had any old rings no longer needed my daughter collects and now she has Adhd the rings for some reason help her chill with her birds she has I can pay if needed
  2. Whitepied


    Was wondering if anyone had any idd rings about no longer needed my daughter collects them as she has adhd it helps be calm to the diffrent colours
  3. Still no luck 😞
  4. Was wondering if anyone had any low number rings like 000 beginning my daughter keeps asking and it’s hard to obtain any to keep her interested I can pay if anyone can help me out
  5. Was wondering if anyone can help my daughter she keeps asking if possible to get hold of couple D rings for birds we can transfer so no prob was wondering if anyone able help me out
  6. Was wondering if anyone can maybe help it’s a long shot my daughter lost her Belgium rung bird she had for 3 years it was her pride an joy she called it Belgie was wondering if anyone had a Belgium rung bird they no longer need i can maybe get her to put smile on face if it’s one anyone wants to dispose of
  7. Whitepied

    6 2022 rings

    Was just wondering if anyone has 6 odd rings no longer needed I only want to breed another 6 as I lost the Few I had due to cat these I would have to keep as stock now
  8. I was just wondering if anyone can help me I’m after a letter E rings this years Would be good if possible to breed my daughter a surprise with her intial on rings
  9. Whitepied


    Was wondering if anyone had a spare 2021 A or E rings just wanted breed me daughters a YB with there initial on ring I won’t be racing just keeping them year as been shielding so long now it’s got to me my daughters keep me going when down I’m willing to pay for the ring if needed
  10. My daughter is after for her collect she’s been trying hard to gain it
  11. Was wondering if anyone had a old belg 2018 ring no longer needed
  12. Was wondering if anyone had any odd 20 rings no longer needed
  13. Was wondering if anyone had any spare rings just need 2 If possible
  14. Whitepied

    L Rings

    Was wondering if anyone had any odd L rings no longer needed if possible
  15. Whitepied


    Was wondering if anyone can help I after a 2019 E ring I got sent one but it wasn’t in envelope hate the postman now I wanted to put on bird for my daughters initial if anyone can help me please
  16. Yes I still have that A ring here 😊
  17. Whitepied

    New 10P

    Any body got any new 10p coins yet been trying get a letter E and A in time for my 5 year old and 13 year old daughter there about but no luck yet 😞 I’m happy swop a 2018 ring for it or pay
  18. Was wondering if anyone can possible help me with 2 2018 C or A rings I can swop for V or E rings if needed as was trying get the rings that begin with my daughters name to breed them couple birds to fly this year if possible any help would be greatly appreciated
  19. Whitepied

    Gb18 A Ring

    Hi greenbar can’t pm you it won’t allow me to says not accepting messages
  20. Whitepied

    Gb18 A Ring

    Hi mate had to email as said not accepting any new Messsages that would be brilliant I’ve emailed details over
  21. Whitepied

    Gb18 A Ring

    Was wondering if anyone has a spare 2018 A ring that i can swop or buy for my daughters initial for a young bird for her
  22. Was wondering if anyone has an old bird no longer needed with ring beginning 00 my daughter keeps asking she can put with her birds to breed from and race it's just of chance I can ask here age not important it's it finished with
  23. Pm sent
  24. Wondering if anyone has a spare A or E ring to swop for a V ring as wanted to breed my daughters a young bird with the initial on to race
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