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hillsideloft888's Achievements

In Egg! (Newbie)

In Egg! (Newbie) (1/8)

  1. Lot 51 - £25
  2. Lot 60 - £35
  3. Never before, brother in law is the expert and is starting up again after years in the wilderness, looking forward to it there seems a lot lot more to it than i thought, but very interesting
  4. No secret, i work during day so not able to be here all the time, but i have learned my first lesson Sammy, you PM'd me and i told you Airdrie then you publish it, as i said not a secret
  5. ok sorry i am not on hiding anything i am a new starter like i said
  6. Sorry i had to go last night .i wouldnt have a problem naming my club.....but now looking at the posts since i left last night i have to ask what the issue is ...............i have joined pigeon basics and i am looking for advisce, dos it matter what club i am part of to recieve advice?
  7. Lot 60 £25
  8. Hello everyone, I am new to this and i am looking for advice on purchasing birds, i have been given good advice "i Think" but could anyone recomend where to buy locally in the Lanarkshire area in scotland. i fancy the distance birds and would like to breed and purchase young birds to train. Anyone selling or with any advice i would appreciate it , my loft is all set and raring to go as am i. Thanks D
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