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Posts posted by Alex

  1. That is the problem,i was told it would be here faithfully and it is not,i know i can use last years but why should i do it twice, my time is valuable to me,colours what for?velocities these up dates are a joke,i purchased the clock to time in when i worked weekends it does that now we are being told it must do this and it must do that,fine but what for?why is the disc updates not ready for use during the winter months giving clock setters the time to do it without any need for stress.

  2. out shortly,there is only 8 weeks to first race,young birds to raise and birds to train, and only having Sat plus Sun to update the clocks i feel it will be a struggle,we are being dictated to by unikon because they think well they have it so we can please ourselves when we issue the disc.Are they in for a shock not listening to the customers and what they want.if no further forward next week looks like back to mechancal the old TSB.

  3. Robbie i myself lost 28 out of Ripon on Saturday and i am not alone with these heavy losses,this is our second year jumping the young birds from Otterburn and then race Ripon an 80 mile jump and again i have had these heavy losses two year running,i wont being doing it next year,also the strong west wind may have contributed to the disastar i only know that like most fanciers who had these heavy losses i am sick and what do we do,go west or north or just educate up to the 100 miles with y/birds i am certainly rethinking for next year as for change Bruno's right the agm just go on as usual ignoring a call for change.think of the money lost to the fed next week at its open race,fees up next year?to make it alright for the lofts with the overfly? :'(

  4. at a recent open race one fancier had a bird which for some reason did not registar,instead of re-registering the bird as you could do he got it rubbered twice and got his stb set the following day,thinking about it later i thought what a good way to make sure you clocked in should i loose the power,so it makes sense in open races i think to be prepared  and thats what i did last week,got my stb set just in case.never had any problems with my ets just a fear the power might fail?.


  5. would it not make sense if you were to switch from east to west to wait until the young bird racing to switch, this would help?.also there are far to many pigeons being lost down the east side and its not all down to the hawks.low flying aircraft is another cause.I for one would welcome us going back down the west,there is as many hawks in the west as there are in the east i am sure. 8)also at the marking station the ets birds were single rubbered why?it took ages for ets compared to the double rubbering for mechanical clocks.

  6. Thank-you Frankiedooman for answering my question,just back from Tenerife missed first race,so who ever you replied to the previous times it must have gone missing in cyber space,i think i will give your bridges club a miss,some of your members are a bit disenchanted at the mo.maybe their letter went missing in the post like your reply.i just wonder what type of delegate you really were when on the shu committee with your private agenda?

  7. Frankdooman you are not telling the truth,not all your members were advised or asked about the new premises,and as for your rules i do not know what they are,can i use my ets or not was the question asked please answer politly and not annoy Bruno there more questions for you to be answered and its you and not your club,like the other organisations there rules are easy obtained,the one your always on about (SHU) so please try and be honest and up front.who i am will remain a secret?.

  8. Thanks for your reply Frankiedooman, i can take it by your not replying that your Big club does not allow the use of the ETS system?Also when you spent £1000 POUNDS on your new premises did you take the decision to spend this vast amount of hard earned cash or were your other 48 members consulted as would happen in any Democracy.

  9. to frankiedooman, membership is 36 members with 32 flying lofts,birdage old bird can be between 200-distance up to 700 sprint.young bird can be as much 800- 950 at the start. we do not have mid week races and i think joining your bridges would help with my training,due to shifts i may not always be there when they arrive,do you or will your club be allowing the use of e.t.s. this coming july as i find this a great help when working weekends and special call outs as my job requires.thank you for your reply.

  10. i have had three strikes this year which is way above the average for the past ten years put to-gether,one killed outright other two were lucky and lost only a couple tail feathers,if you can get a hold of a copy of the European Eagle Owl and play it prior to letting the birds out as loud as you can and keep playing it whilst they are out you will have no problems,it has been five weeks since i started this system for chasing the raptor(as i still have no idea if it was a hen sparrowhawk or a peregrine)my neibours have also noticed a rapid increase in wild bird activity meaning were there was no song before there is a sharp increase in there singing and no sign of the hawk,if people can keep hawks could we keep this type of owl?.good old eagle owl.

  11. Why not start a breeding station for the Eagle Owls,and release the young by the dozen as the RSPB have been doing for years in areas that are over run with sparrow and perigrine just like they do with the hawks bred in their breeding stations,also did i hear in this program the RSPB moan about the Corn Crake and the damage it could do to exsisting numbers?,no mention of the damage done by other predetors?two faced,dictators.

  12. The meetings i attended both at the shu and snfc,three years ago were in my opinion all about the ETS,at the shu meeting the use of ets was allowed,now if my memory does not take a senior moment a list of clocks was passed at the snfc and the ets was ommitted from said list,was it not the same people at the snfc top table who hatched that plan to exclude the ets and form another club with the help of Cumbria and join the rpra,some of them i hear never left the shu,around this time of civil unrest all sorts of mistruths were flying around,it was pretty upsetting.the breakaways left but i feel there was more to the breakup that has never been explained like suspended members being allowed to fly in the rpra when suspended from the shu,could this have been a ploy to allow them to fly again?.

  13. Frankie boy, i wish you all a quick return to the shu fold as i believe a proposal is being drafted that you can only be a member of one organisation,will that not force your 40 plus members,some who are still in the shu to jump ship,one way or the other,if this proposal is passed next year could this damage your membership.or do you think it will increase it,and damage the shu membership if they choose the NFC racing to the SNFC.


  14. How come the high cost for ETS is always a topic but the cost of the t3 is never thought of,why because for the past few years grants are being handed out,in Scotland the clubs a tooling up with the ets and club computor because we have passed it and  application for grants started to be recognised by the lottery people  the same lottery that purchesed clocks for clubs in England and Wales.Maybe the English are beginning to awaken and realise we could have waited and got ets instead of tooling the club up with 25 t-3s.Our club was against the ets but have now decided to apply for the grant,and i never thought that would happen.Also Mike in Sunny Spain quite a few who left the shu have rejoined because there were a few who never left in the first place,yes they never raced under the shu banner but a few have started and i for one am glad to welcome these fanciers back.

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