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Posts posted by Beanz

  1. We had a hot debate and topic on here a few years back.

    The long and short of it was a 'Think Tank, which was to be the means of contacting the media and answering any queries. Also legally breeding and caring for Eagle Owls etc. etc.

    Was some notable names up for it and willing — many unique ways of financing as such. For instance, recouperate a 1p a bird sent in club and 2p every bird sent in the fed. Had Corn store putting names up for it and donating and very much more.


    Plus much more. There was a spoke person put up on here and other sites. Got other keepers of pigeons onboard, like Tipplers and others … and the list goes on. A bank account that needed three signatures to activate any monies spent and a right firm freely doing the book work.

    Till it was up and running though it had to have a quango committed to start-up and progress. This committee was to stay unknown until established. Why? Because of the RSPB. And their dirty trick brigade … like placing, for instance, B.O.P. in their dustbins to be found and telling the Police and council fibs.

    Much was already in place. Then one's Names to be put up and voted for after two years after establishing and getting a foothold in!


    NOW, who put a stop to it and made sure it never got off the ground?

    Why none other than the Pigeon fraternity. Many on here at that! Letters to the B.H.W.! Names and threats over the phone by some on here... Demanding that names and addresses be made public! Stupidity spouting if they donated £10 how could they be sure it wasn't stolen and put in a pocket! Brave idiots that would come out and face the man but insulted and called the wife's over the phone.

    Yes, even contacting and keeping the RSPB informed and working with them!

    It was asked by Bilco many years earlier for fancier to work alongside and find a way clear as the RSOB then offered! Fanciers who supposedly loved their feather friends stay dormant and that never got off the ground either!


    Since you are not allowed to print names and addresses any more under the new legislation maybe now is the time to try again.



  2. Mr & Mrs E Corkett & Sons of Leighton Buzzard have a team of FVW which are amongst the best in Britain. Their FVW were from Walters & Broadhurst


    Shaun McDonough (Walsall, UK) also has exceptional results often quoted as best sprint fancier in Midlands area has at the base FVW obtained from his father who obtained many of his FVW from Walters & Broadhurst


    The base Ace hen of W&B won 3* 1st as a young bird (if my memory is correct) and was allegedly from Grinni Beer of Bill Grinsell and the hen was sister to the Fielder also.


    So two of the finest lofts in the UK still have the lines of RoadRunner , The Jet , Whitenose etc.



    Thanks for that



  3. When I moved onto the allotment it had not been used for about 20 years, it was alive with them and so were the other allotments, in the first 3 weeks I put over 300 blocks down and they took the lot, one even took it down the hole before it hit the ground, I got a Jack Russell and started to educate the other allotment holders to use poison, most didn't even know there were rats there, now we hardly ever see them although we know they are still there but nowhere near the amount there was and whats more they are all still using poison and my little Russell keeps them away.




  4. Nothing paired yet will pair this weekend, as for the reason why well I would not be able to get the youngsters out due to work so no point also not really bothered about YB racing, and so I don't need to feed them for 6 months before racing.




  5. they had my money months ago , subscription . maybe its a usefull tool for the future ? links by E-mail , pay by credit card ,could be a taste of the future ??



    RP has been on line for the last 2 or 3 years.





  6. We finally got our next holiday fixed up,we are off to Morocco but after racing this time,really looking forward to it now, starting off in the Atlas mountains for a few days then a few in Marakesh[bUT WELL AWAY FROM ANY BOMBS HOPEFULLY ] then a relaxing 5 days on the beach :emoticon-0157-sun: :emoticon-0157-sun:



    Is that a new swear word Holiday? didn't think pigeon men knew what they were.




  7. just thinking after the demise of Amtrak we were all worried about what would happen, we now have some very good reliable couriers who do their best for us,and also keep in contact were possible, ok we cant pick up the phone and expect them to be there the next day but they do their best some even work together for the betterment of the fancy and the welfare of the pigeons, its now up to us to look after these guys and not make life hard for them because even though most are fanciers themselves it is also a business and their living, so be there when they come and don't mess them about and we will keep hold of them don't and we know what the result will be, Thanks to all the couriers who are doing a good job, we now only seem to hear good things about them.




  8. well going over the water here is end june into july much warmer then at the start of season the chill factor in a nor east wind is baltic here especially starting birds for first race


    Yes but this is about each persons own area not about yours, it is probably colder where you are and if I lived there then I may think differently but I dont, so at the moment that is my opinion.


    birds don't like East winds wether it be cold or warm as they are dry winds, we only do water races

    June and July as well but an East wind is an East wind wether it be warm or cold.



  9. To me its just a different wind for the birds to come in, yes I know pigeons don't like East winds but most fanciers will still be letting them out in it probably twice for a hour and most will say they fly for the full hour both times, what do you do if they go over the water are held and let go the day after and it is an East wind, tell them to bring them back, don't think so.




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