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Everything posted by thedooman

  1. thedooman

    2 hens

    No problem I will get that done over the next few days I have a nice white grizzle with red splashes whi's father won a few places for me and was always in the clock on race days and I will also send down a nice black pied if you would like I can send you a few pairs in the one transaction I think it's about £35 for 6 birds so I can send you 2 spare hens and 2 pairs if ou like get your money worth and a bit more space in my loft entierly upto you.
  2. will only effect TAMMY_1 because he is the only night owl
  3. thedooman

    2 hens

    cheers any preference to color size or things like that
  4. thedooman

    2 hens

    No problem give me your delivery details and I will get amtrak sorted ubless you are collecting them
  5. thedooman

    2 hens

    They are free i am in scotland
  6. thedooman


    I for 1 will be flying my birds in this race if it goes ahead
  7. Ours are 26p Tammy central fed
  8. thedooman

    2 hens

    I have 18 spare hens if you are interested in any of them
  9. I put a red chequer hen to a blue cock and ended up with a blue white flight hen
  10. Had this happen to me when I just started mink killed half a dozen of mine then went into a club mates loft and done the same but the bugger wont do it again he got a few slugs in the back of his head. sorry to hear of this keep your chin up mate the murderers time will come you will get it back
  11. how many are there in the auction so far
  12. I will give you £30.00 for it Andrew
  13. thedooman

    what distance

    most of my yearlings went to maidstone last year all of which will go to france this year if all is well bird and racing wise.
  14. Well said mate
  15. I will donate a pair of young birds from my best 408 cock flown out to Maidstone as a yearling 361 miles paired to 438 blue cheq hen flown the same distance.nest mate to 33rd open 25th section 1st Club yearling derby leicester 950 birds 248 miles. Any other details please pm me and happy bidding
  16. I will donate a pair with details of which will be posted Saturday night 23rd feb
  17. i will take your perches please e-mail me on greigdrysdale@yahoo.co.uk or you can call me on 07706206400 thank you
  18. I will take them if you still have them were are you
  19. if you have any late breads left can you email me pls and i will be more than happy to take them as i am just new to the sport and i am trying to get my nephew into the sport asweel he is 10 yrs old. greigdrysdale@yahoo.co.uk
  20. do you still have the floor grills?
  21. i dropped 1 out of 29 from otterburn on saturday and i also won the club place wish you luck with returns in the future
  22. we had a bad race on saturday aswell in the central fed hope you get your birds back yors in sport Greig
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