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Squeaker (4/8)

  1. rick

    my first hawk

  2. rick

    my first hawk

    forgot to mention this is the first time in three years of pigeons at my house...
  3. rick

    my first hawk

    had my ybs out all sitting along the garage at the back of my house a couple in the air, i was vigilantly looking for cats when something startled them i had to take two looks when i noticed a sparrow hawk sat in between my birds. i scarred it away but my ybs are scatty as hell now, luckily got them all in. anyone know how to deal with hawks pls pm me...... cheers!!
  4. tipton sports acadamy, wednesbury oak rd, tipton.. used to be at bescot mate
  5. looks good mate.. all the best for the comming season.
  6. well done mate.
  7. rick

    2 out

    well i let my first lot of youngsters out this afternoon for the first time most of them just had a little flap around but three went up and over the houses didnt see them for about twenty mins so i let a few old hens out they instantly shot over my head trying to fly with hens, one landed on my roof and eventually came in but the other two were last seen really high up... i dont hold much hope for them but u never know... pigeons eh!!!
  8. rick


    hi has anyone had their mnfc race pack yet or do you know when we recive them??????
  9. rick

    advice please

    cheers. i dont want another round off them, how old do the babies have to be before i can take the hen away?? and leave the cock to feed the babies ??
  10. i have a pair of yearlings, the cock was obtained for breeding only, and the hen is one of my best birds who i want to race on roundabout along with the rest of the hens. they paired fine and have 14 day old babies but i noticed over the last week or so that the hen looks like she had been in a fight every time i go to loft. so i watched them more, and discovered it is her mate! he will not let her in the box unless he is perched up somwhere else or fedding etc, then when he returns to his box and finds her with babies hell breaks loose as shes reluctant to leave. shes starting to look stressed now.... what would you do?????? cheers.
  11. looks good mate.
  12. rick


  13. rick


    thats the one. cheers mate,. its the ets i am after..
  14. rick


    is turbo pigeon corns still open? i heard it had closed.. have pmd mark but dont know if my pm is working!! cheers...
  15. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D that made me laugh.....
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