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Veteran of the Loft!

Veteran of the Loft! (6/8)

  1. hows it coming on ???? any idea when back online ???

  2. sunny in west mids
  3. same in wednesbury west mids,heavy rain for the last 30mins
  4. aarden


    clear blue skies in walsall,westerly wind
  5. bright sunny breezy but some dark clouds at times ,but no rain yet
  6. yes i think its the same place,i have just been told they are hoping to lib at lunchtime
  7. if the weather stays the same as it is now there wont be any lib tomorow
  8. do you know where they lib josh,i think its on the faiground,that used to be
  9. thanx pigeon_man,i did notice that,will give them a call tonight,if no one posts on here,thanx again
  10. anyone racing from stafford tomorow know what time they are hoping to loose,i was hoping to go and watch perhaps take some photo's and post them on here
  11. wolves fed 6.00am messac
  12. according to bbc news he died tonight of heart attack
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