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john niko

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Hatchling (3/8)

  1. i would soak her down for a few weeks let here walk around the garden then pair her up she just mite stay
  2. john niko

    Xmus Race

    iz there a limit on how many yu can send and what iz the pools like wouldnt it be nice iv everyone on her sent a young bird to ascotish flyer so they could race them and iv they where left at the end ov the season get them ready for the crimbo race would be fun
  3. i bet there not in the stock shed for nothn
  4. they cheked my bird out it had flown niort 505 miles to me 3rd club only 7 birds home in race time
  5. i heard that the first egg laid is the cock is that true as any 1 else herd that
  6. the way the young bird season went 4 a lot ov flyers down our end i think a lot ov flyer will be breading more cos there was big losses this year is it cos there are more hawks around ? WHO NOWS ??? MOBILE PHONES ???
  7. look at the 2nd and 4th bird niticed it yesterday same breader from austria
  8. the cock which won the card 4 me was a big pencil white flight cock vandenbosch he won 4 me as a youngster
  9. well with blackpool not long away i remember when i woz 15 16 putting 1 bird in the show 500 miles class it had won a few shows the wensday before i went 2 blakpool i put him in a show buy me he never won a card i told all the flyers there that i was taken my cock 2 blakpool a herd a few ov them saying that the bird had no chance ov gettn a card them same fellas got there eyes wipped he finished 3 i was buzn i won 6 50 got home on the monday with him went the shop buy me and bought 2 picture frammes 1 to but the card in and 1 to put the cheq in which i still hang on my wall just a little story two tell yous ;)
  10. who ever yus are talking about
  11. is it time 2 name and SHAME THEN?
  12. get them 2 blackool phil i could tell yu a story about entering 1 bird in the show
  13. get them 2 blackool phil i could tell yu a story about entering 1 bird in the show
  14. john niko


    8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  15. john niko

    At Last

    :owell in mate only 918 behind yu ur should i say 917 after this 1
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