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Posts posted by Jonnyboy1
Thanks Redcheqhen,
I hadn't seen that thread yet. As far as I can tell we're not permitted to race, group train or show pigeons at the moment but I don't think we've been advised to keep the birds locked in yet. This is of course different for poultry keepers who have been advised to keep their livestock permanently housed for now, as far as I can see.
I think pigeon men will benefit from the increased biosecurity until this H5N8 event has passed but until SHU or the Government tell us to keep our birds inside I think we are permitted to loft fly the birds for now?
Warm regards,
My understanding is that it is UK wide and we are not allowed to let the pigeons out in order to protect them from contact with wild birds.
Good afternoon all,
Thanks for your response Kyleakin but I'm not sure that Racing Pigeon fanciers have been told to definitively keep their birds in yet. The guidance, as far as I have read it, appears to relate to Poultry and Pigeons bred for meat.
I think racing pigeons are still allowed to fly around the loft?
The statutory requirement to report '5 dead birds' also seems to relate to wild birds?
The last 2 winters I have had about 7 or more young birds go down to 'Young Bird Sickness' in the Autumn/Early Winter and I have not reported it officially as Racing Pigeons are well known to naturally succumb to an unnerving 'cull' of birds with weaker constitutions in Autumn/Winter.
My personal thoughts are that the birds who come through Winter have enhanced immunity. I also feel that as Racing Pigeon Fanciers routinely treat for Canker, Coccidiosis, Worms, Lice and PMV that Racing Pigeons are probably low to very low risk of passing on diseases to other avian species.
My question is should I be keeping the birds locked in? Has there been any recent official guidance for Scotland about this?
I'm a District Nurse and currently trying to help finish off the routine vaccinations for Influenza in our patients before awaiting the expected pressures of the vaccination schedule for COVID 19.
We need clear guidance on whether to lock our pigeons in. I don't favour this approach for the obvious reasons that keeping livestock in restricted housing, unless we are able to 'up the ante' in terms of cleaning/sterilisation, is likely to concentrate transmission of disease.
In my personal experience I am less inclined to spend time cleaning in the colder weather unless there is an obvious issue - e.g. YB Sickness
Can anyone clarify if we should be locking up our pigeons in Scotland?
Kind regards,
Hi All,
Have been reading a few documents tonight that you may find interesting:
1) Scottish Goverment - Avian Influenza Protection measures (11/11/2020)
2) Scottish Government - Avian influenza (bird flu): how to spot and report the disease (11/11/2020)
3) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Rapid risk assessment on incursion of H5N8 HPAI into housed or not housed poultry flocks and captive birds (09/11/2020)
4) Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Risk assessment on the likelihood of spread of H5N8 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza associated with racing pigeons (Published March 2017)
My question for this evening is are we being expected to keep the pigeons locked up just now?
Any advice or feedback will be gratefully received.
Warm regards,
That's all the birds gone to 2 fanciers in Fife.
Warm regards,
3 Roland Janssens (2 cocks (2019) and a hen (2020)) - all Grandchildren of Champion Rode Bingo (Pedigrees available). 2 Frans Zwols based and one unknown pedigree (well bred). Feel free to PM me for more details.
John Druggan
This YB came into my loft last evening and again this evening. If you can let me know the owner I would be grateful.
I've spoken to Kenny and he's arranging to collect this pigeon.
I'll give them a call tomorrow.
Take care,
Had been hanging around my garden all week before coming into loft last evening and again this evening. Very thin so assume must have been lost a wee while. Has eaten well last 2 days and seems to be in good order. If anyone can tell me how to get in touch with the owner I would be very obliged.
SU20P871 as the title says is the ring number. As the text says the other number is the rubber race ring ???????????????????????
Came into my loft last evening and again this evening. Life ring on (L) leg, white race rubber ring on ® leg number 8147. Reported to SHU last evening - no response yet. If anyone knows who bird belongs to can you let me know.
Thanks for getting back to me and explaining.
Understand now. Sorted.
The Bird belongs to McCormick and Hughes from Uddingston. I spoke to Mr McCormick this morning.
This clean little hen came in just before dark. No telephone ring band or wing stamp. ETS ring on so assume she's been lost at a race. I'll try RPRA and Pigeon Chat. If she belongs to anybody in Scotland please let me know.
Young bird with ETS ring. Just in this evening, Edinburgh. Prominent keel so assume she's been lost for a wee while. Crop full and watered this evening.
That's all the available old birds and YBs accounted for and taken.
Warm regards to all.
In last night and back again today, Moredun Edinburgh. Looks like a hen. No injuries and appears to be in good order.
If anyone knows who this bird belongs to can you let me know.
Many thanks,
Thanks to all for positive feedback. Excess young and stock birds all accounted for and going to Coatbridge and Aberdeen. Future YBs going to Patty Bhoy.
Hi looking for jan Arden cock my mobile is 07539837727
Hi Quicksilverlofts,
I have a Jan Aarden 2018 Black cock you can have. He's a son of an old bird who was father to a 3rd National Narbonne winner - Saffron who was flown by L & K Buddle. The cock you can have is therefore a half brother to Saffron. The dam of the cock on offer was a full sister to Premier Stud's Bossy Boy.
I've attached a copy of his pedigree below.
I think this cock might do you a good turn. How would you intend to transport him? Can you let me know soon if you want him?
I have a number of stock birds and 2020 rung young birds I need to move on to make room. Stock Birds include 1 x 2018 Barless Mealy Cock (British Faroes Distance); 1 x 2018 Black Cock (Jan Aarden x Kees Bosua); 1 x 2019 Strawberry Mealy Cock (Roland Janssens x Bobby Walton). 2 x 2020 Blue Bar Young birds (not flown out yet)(Jan Aarden x Bosua/Van Osch) and 2 x 2020 Smokey Strawberry Mealies (Roland Janssens x Vandenabeele). Can provide pedigrees for all birds.
I live in Edinburgh.
All birds going to Blantyre tomorrow.
Take care,
Free Young Birds. 9 x 2020 Rung Young Birds free to good home. 3 x White and 1 Blue Grizzle Van Elsacker Jepsens, 3 x Blue Bars ((Soontjen x Roland Jansenns),(Bosua Van Osch x Roland Janssens) and (Bosua Van Osch/Jan Aarden x Dirk Van Den Bulck), 1 x Blue Checker Pied (Dirk Van Dyck x Roland Janssens), 2 x Blue Checkers (Jan Aarden x Bosua/Van Osch). One of the Blue Bars and the 2 Blue Checkers haven't been flown out yet. The others have been out since fledging.
Black in pigeons comes from a blue series bird with no dominant red in its genes. Black comes from a blue bar or a blue checker/pied etc with an additional dominant 'spread' gene. A dominant gene will express itself in single factor so the original black bird must only have had one 'spread' gene The spread gene expresses the colour of the tail bar over the entire bird in the blue, brown and red series pigeon. The tail bar in a blue series bird is dark blue/black and, with an additional spread gene, that colour washes over all of the bird. The black colour can be charcoal with visible darker bars in the usual places if there are no additional 'darkening' factors in the bird's genetic make up. The underlying pattern of the bird is still there but is not seen - eg. bar, checker, pied. The tail bar in red series bird is ash red, the same colour as the rest of the tail and when this colour is 'spread' we see a mealy coloured bird without the bars which racing pigeon men call 'barless' mealy. Barless is in reality another mutation with a complete absence of the bars and is different from a red spread. Red spread is also called lavender in some types of fancy pigeon. When brown series birds are spread we see a self brown bird. The brown tail bar is spread and expresses an all brown coloured bird. This bird can resemble a recessive red bird. A recessive red bird needs to have the recessive red gene on both sides of it's parentage and in racing pigeons we call recessive red birds 'chocolates'. 2 barless mealies that are both split for blue and both having only one spread factor genetically can produce blacks, blue bars, mealies and barless mealies as for blacks or barless mealies only one parent has to pass on the spread factor.
If the original black was a checker or pied bird these colours can also be seen in the next generation as long as neither parent passes on a spread factor.
If the original 2 black birds were carrying recessive red a red youngster (or chocolate) could be seen in an occasional nest. To complicate matters still further recessive red birds are epistatic to, (or are able to mask) all other colours and patterns. This means that they can be carrying blue bar or pied and the spread gene but will be visually recessive red or chocolate.
The other possibility is that the black hen had been tread by a red cock a short time before being paired to the black cock, say before purchase or that the hen has been 'unfaithful' to the black cock on one occasion. Last option is a spontaneous red mutation in the sperm or egg of either parent although this is considerably less likely.
The following 2 sites might help to explain these complex genetics a little.
Copy and paste these into your browser, so not breaching copyright in my opinion.
Hope this stimulates some further discussion/debate.
H5N8 Avian Flu And Scotland
in Pests & Diseases
Thanks for that Yeboah
Take care,