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Posts posted by elvis

  1. at the end of the day mate its hard for anyone to give or for you to recieve advice as what works for one fancier doesnt work for another...stick with it for at least another month and give the pigeons a chance to learn the system.stick with it and dont give up cos if you crack it i guarentee youll never go back to natural ..if you want to pick my brain some more by all means pm me..

  2. Can I also ask how big is the roundabout end..how many nest boxes and pairs in main end ..how much light etc..how long you been racing..what breeds you racing..how many birds you racing against..do you race to the house or allotments.how close the next loft..the more info the better..My personal opinion is you can't race ob to the corn tin..it's motivation that wins races..no motivation then they're just homing not racing...I fly10pair on roundabout never had the same pigeons in the first 5yet and we've had 4races against 350-400birds and I've got a first , second, forth,2xseventh and couple of tenths...I'm happy with that..

  3. Starting Monday mine get cider vin(5ml per drinker) tue clean water ,wed Thur multiple vits..fir clear water.sat sun cider vin...once they get over 200mile they get multiple vits on race day instead of vinegar...I treat on a tue..canker one week respiratory the next for the full season..worm and cocci before the season starts then don't do again till season over..Ii mix 1x sack of canary seed (full of black rape and linseed ) with 1xbag of homoform 1xbag of brown rice and 2x white mix altogether it will last all season...give every racer 1xdesert spoon every day...they love it and conditions them beautifully...multiple vits are from holland and barrette £5 a bottle (called feraglobin). I use garlic oil on me seed mix on mon and we'd ...I use flagyl for canker and doxycycline for reps cider vin£1 a bottle from any supermarket...any decent widowhood mix will do for feed and some maples...I do everything as cheap as possible...what system are u using for exercise and cock/hen rotation etc

  4. Would agree with all quotes mate..first and foremost they gotta be healthy..which it sounds like theta aren't..a healthy loft with no motivation would have better returns than yours..only 2things you need to keep on top of for me are respiratory and canker..prevention better than cure...every other week for me...gotta start there...I could go on forever but there's a million and 1way to race pigeons and they all work...ps my roundabout cocks and hens have corn at them 24/7 and they're flying theatre wick out...keep it simple..

  5. My roundabout pigeons have corn at them all the time.(cocks and hens). Sometimes depurative, sometimes light mix, sometimes maples and beans..on a Thursday night after flying they each get a hopper full of widowhood mix and I don't go back in the loft till basketing on Friday...end of the day it's whatever works for the individual..and this certainly works for me...

  6. anyone got any german or russian trumpeters ,giant homers or pomeranian pouter pairs for sale..top price paid..im not a seller im looking to start up again after 10 years...pm me with anything you,ve got...cheers :) :) :)

  7. hi...managed to trace the owner through the phone number on the wing,after a few attempts to decifer it.the old fella who ownes it is from derbyshire and he lost it from whitley bay which means its only come about 15miles.we did have some funny weather up here though at the weekend ,quite a few pockets of fog and mist around.he told me hes only got 4 out of 30 back since saturday.he says theyre haveing some bad losses down there.wonder if theyre clashing with the unc pigeons as theyre haveing some great raceing according to my friends.42000 at folkestone on saturday,anything that clashes with them is gonna get dragged along....anyways im gonna feed it up for a week and try to catch the north roaders going down and see if i can get it to go with them to save the old fella the amtrak......

  8. found this little hen sitting next to the plantpots in the front garden yesterday teatime.as an ex fancier i  took her in put her in an old widowhood box in the shed and fed and watered her.looking at the race rubber she hasnt been missing long but is totally knackered.the wing stamp isnt that clear which is why im posting rather than phoneing .if i dont get a reply in the next couple of days ill contact the reddings or have a crack at the phone number.....cheers..dav  NE  near durham..

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