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Posts posted by bombersbullets

  1. we were 1 2 3 4 in one club and 1 2 3 in the other club very happy :devil: :devil: :devil:

    Well done m8 brilliant flying


    5th. 7/171 my velocity 1804 ypm.Appleton.

    11/12 lost a rather nice four year old Dennis Sapin cock.

    Hope u get your Dennis sapin cock back m8

  2. Hi all has anybody had anything to do with club equipment I have bin flying in a club with just me using the club equipment. Anyway I have moved to a more local new club with 13 members I phoned unikon to tell them I've moved clubs could they transfer the clock to the new club and there saying no I've got to send my old club equipment back & apply for new club equipment I can smell a charge coming up I wish I would of just activated the old base station now anybody else had a problem like This plz advise me cheers :emoticon-0126-nerd:

  3. I tuck a nice Drive to deliver my Bombersbullets to the R.p.r.a one loft race.when I got there I was made feel very welcome by Jeremy & his wife great set up very nice place & people let's hope & pray now £20,000 oh what I could do with that :animatedpigeons::emoticon-0123-party:

  4. Hi all I've not had a good hatch this year so think of trying a kit of 6-12 from Louella pigeon world its 20mins drive so I could see before I part with any money what's people's thoughts ??:) best breeds and who is the best to deal with thanks for reading Bomber

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