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Posts posted by dooscoo

  1. Resessive Red or Chocs breed well onto a Bronze bar or Chq, putting Grizzle into it is mixing it up a bit.

    Having bred a res red or Choc out of 2 deep bronze birds this year with perfect colour was a first for me this year, if your looking for a Bronze cock I have some spare.

    Both are Janssen Van Den Bosche, one is a Bronze bar the other a Bronze Chq, the Bronze bar has a split colour eye the Chq has outstanding feather but in my view looks a little fine in the head for a cock.

    They are free if you want them, my home is in Ipswich, East Anglia.

    After April there will be some others if you are able to wait a little.

  2. Hi lads, there use to be a dutch site that you could enter the colour of both sexes and it will tell you what will come out.

    Graeme Boyd or Robert Bennion on the fancy pigeon chatter site could give you more info, if the Grizzle cock is Blue or Black paired onto a red hen is a sex linked mating.

    The guys I mention know a lot about colour breeding, some will say colour has no place in racing pigeons but the fancy guys know all about great width of feather.

  3. Inbreeding is and always will be hard too fully understand, the nearest study you could make that shows the way, is that most of the true champion race horses come from just a few Arabian stallions.

    All a matter of true history.

    If a bird has a small build then it stands that by inbreeding that factor you do breed them smaller, those who use inbreeding must watch every part of what they are breeding, anything that comes substand must be culled.

    Logical inbreeding with notes kept on the results is progression, keeping random breeding pattens is in my mind just luck of the draw.

    High breed vigour V re-infused vigor, now thats sounds like plan.happy.gif


    Oh by the way most Whites are Double factor Grizzles, go on the red side you get nice clean beaks.

  4. Rollers are half the size of a racing bird, most of the kit boxes you see on u-tube are for 20 bird kits.

    Which is the comp standard kit, it is a worldwide sport, give the All England Roller Club a look as it is about the best.

    U-tube have some great kits in action so give them a look.

    I have a few pairs of George Mason stock which are small tight spinners, lots of fresh stock about, money wise its like the racing game performance is a must have factor.

    Best of luck. happy.gif

  5. Hi its Dave Frost my handel is Dooscoo on here, no fancy pigeons left only a race team of Janssen Van Den bosche.

    With a few Pure White busschearts bred down from Wyn Morse/Warren Foster stuff.

    I had a bust up with the NPA not doing as I requested, after a 500 mile road trip and being cheated by those who seem to be more interested in winning without honour, thats me done with fancy pigeons after 53 years.

    My thoughts are these Race guys have the same chance as me in winning, its up to me to train the birds, they race from point A to my loft, when they fold their wings and land it is a sight.

    The 2001 bred race feeders I had for my Long Faced Tumblers came into their own with some great birds off them, just kicking myself because every year the magpies had their eggs :crying: .Dave Frost proud to be a member of Ipswich PRC.

  6. Hello Scotty, yep fancy pigeons are Ok but the cheating sickens me, 500 mile round trip just for a blue Self LF Tumbler with a patch of white on its rump the size of my fist to get best Blue bar self.

    I thought I was safe when the Dutch judge went to dinner, as he took his time with the whole coloured selfs they switched the judges when I was also at dinner.

    Stepped into the hall just as the completed all the bars, needeless to say I was peeved as the judging sucked big time, he put his mates mismarked Tumbler up.

    Twisted sick and it finnished me with all fancy breeds, the racers are a fresh of breath air, suddenly I woke up to the fact "650 fancy breeders via 30,000 race breeders" no contest.

    When my membership runs out thats it 53 years of having fancy birds gone, now a novice racer man, its not easy switching your loft around or building a team from scratch.

    Biggest mistake was buying birds from a well known pigeon farm, should have taken a little more time before I acted on buying in.

    Mind you the JvdB that I managed to get 2 pair back from Lloyd have done me well, using wests as feeders I have 6 plus 4 more filled eggs from them, not bad for 01 birds.

    As you know I used the JvdB as feeders for my Long Faced Tumblers which kinda beggers the question just how many good racers could I have bred in the last 10years?

    Health wise my neck was drimled out the NHS spent a cool £1,000 on Titanum bridge plus 6 screws, as I was getting better I asked myself "would I drive 500 miles to get screwed by cheats again" as the JvdB have always been fun to fly why not.

    I hope to attend the Nottingham Show this year and the Doncaster dome show the first as a supporter of Andy Lowe the later it has racing pigeons, if I have time maybe Blackpool.

    Going to keep with the Janssen strain for my sprint birds, have not made my mind up with a distance strain as yet.

    How you doing with your racers and what do you fly?

  7. Hi Evilscotsman, well done for get permission for your loft.

    Just adding many years ago an old mate had a run in with Essex County Council over his loft, after months of being delayed they turned him down, he responded by asking "if you will not let me have Pigeons could I keep Coloumbarian birds" yes came back the answer.

    He died about 20 years ago but he had great delight when the council bloke came around trying to kick the pigeons out, sorry mate you agreed to these coloumbarian birds being here, red faced the guy left the garden knowing he had been outflanked by a master.

    He was disabled from the early 30s from falling off scaffolding but it never stopped him loving his birds, his name was Billy Cooke a well known Tumbler and fantail breeder plus he painted pigeons under the name "Inglwood" smashing guy. :emoticon-0136-giggle:

  8. Hi Guys, looking to swop some fancy rings, Lots of Roller club rings EERC,NRC,NBRC, AERC plus some rare FPA rings and some AICF pouter rings these were issued only for a couple of years.

    Plus NYC Flight rings.

    Looking for American race rings first but would consider other swops.

  9. Ash Spread carrying black i.e. barless mealy in looks is top of the table in colour, best way of getting beetle Blacks with extremly good colour.

    Spread is the intense colour, lots of Black spreads around ebony, van reils etc, just firms up colour into a deeper colour.

    Impure Blacks are Cqs or Bars in some you see the bars, hens that are ticked are not carring any colour other than the colour they are, the tick is brown to the eye but is infact red.

    Dark Chq will do the job if no Black is at hand.

  10. Franny you should get into the racing pigeon game as Scotland has some good flyers, a lot of felles are helping each other out with stock.

    The thief pouter game has a major problem as you are opening your loft to stray birds, bio security is nil so thats why birds get sick.

    Crossing is an across the whole spectrum game so if you breed one you like the chance of getting the same type of bird even out of the same pair will not work, the band of genetic material is hugly wide as its contains 10,000+ birds in its background, each one comes into the equasion.

    Much like crossing strains its wide open on every nest even in nestmates, the only way to narrow that gap is full into in-breeding, yea radar could be a strain if its done with inbreeding.

    You are dead right about Horseman pouters being nickable Pete, are they the best well who gives one monkeys fig because flying a cross means it has very little value so it has to be the best.

    Marchenero X Racer does it for me, my Indigo Bars & Chqs are a sight worth seeing, thinking of useing a hen as a honeypot for the CKs to come home to. :rolleyes:

    If none of you know after 52 years of fancy pigeons I am out for good, only race birds plus 3 pair of Marchie crosses will be in my loft by the end of the breeding season. :egyptian:

  11. Up date on my JvdB, with luck i did get 2 more pair of my 01 bred birds, with feeders 11 youngsters.

    I dont know how long they will fill the eggs so the birds will sit the last round themselves, with luck keep going in 2012.

    My intention when I bought them was as feeders for my Long faced Tumblers which they did well, never took much notice of the pedigrees that came with the birds, having studed them I am kicking myself because birds like "Kadet" & "Gerhard" the "Tiger" and lots more.

    They have always been great birds to fly out, just wonder why I never woke up to racing pigeons, comp in fancy breeds is just a handful of guys, just think how many great birds I chucked away when floting the Tumbler eggs under them.

    The bought in stock birds have been poor in many respects, looking back I should have bought youngsters and flown them because that makes more sense.

    At the moment the weather is poor but the youngster have to go out, all over the shop at the moment,having also to dodge one of the best flyers in Ipswich team for fear of them going.

    Not one loss at the moment but that will change, my lofts were built with fancy pigeons in mind so at the end of the breeding season a few changes need to be done.

    As my youngsters are latebreds they will be trained by the basket lightly with the view of racing them as adults, looking forward to it with great relish. :emoticon-0157-sun:

    Oh by the way anybody thinking of fancy pigeons for the future? think stich up X it again you get shafted unless you tickle when you shake hands, the point A to point B racing seems a lot farer.

  12. Slung = slingshot

    traips = walk


    What makes a bird trap fast well it must become 2nd nature automatic in its action, to improve you must first check which of your young birds are slower, once we know the bird that needs extra trap trainning its a case of spending time repeatdly doing the same trapping action.

    Food to a hungry bird dispels all normal responses so if its hungry it will trap like a thunder bolt, do that 20 times in a row you now have a bird that has lost its will in just sitting like a muppet driving you crazy.

    Young birds are skittish little bug*ers consign the slingshot for anti cat protection duty, make a plan first accept that young birds have to find there wings so landing on house or shed roofs will happen in the first few days, once they know there loft top then no bird lands elsewhere.

    A well trained youngbird grows into an old bird, like any athelete it must train and train for every part of just what it must become.

    Part of your plan is putting the disire into a winner, Seb Coe was not the fastest boy at school he just learnt if he trained plus built on his disire he would win some of his races, disire is in my mind a big part of winning.

    If you get a bird that will not tow the line do yourself a favour that needs to stop, most of my flying comes from comp Rollers in which its taboo for a bird to land anywhere other than on the loft top.

    2 up 2 down houses well in the past they mostly were that, my loft position is hard for the birds to land but they adapt quickly, the biggest bonus is strays tend not to land easly.

    Kids playing in the garden well the birds must get use to it they adapt, my birds get use to me as I talk with them they do not fear me nor should they.

    Droppers well fantails have never been my thing but I do have a few Spanish Theif croppers, lots of puffing and clapping so a lone hen mates with all now thats more than disire :emoticon-0136-giggle:

  13. Big Thank you lads for the replys, do the birds sit in the trap for removal of the race rubber?

    Sorry to sound like a novice but as I have never seen this type of trap in motion, does anybody still produce Galvanized or plastic stall traps? as the wooden ones I would think do not last long?

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