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Posts posted by milecrosslofts

  1. how long have u been in the game



    i been in the game since my mum spit me out my dad had them. anyhow only poped in to say bye to everyone as for the guy above i dont want to be on a forum with people like that so i leaving now for good tkae care to all you good guys




  2. one thing i do like is brewers yeast,, yes , cheaper out health shop :) i pefer the tablets, allows you to check over birds at the sametime :)

    anyone tried nettle tea?? top 6 inches of the stinging nettle, boiled in water, have tried this b4 , did the birds no harm :)


    same here mate my birds seem brill on it.as for bioled nettle, i leave some nettles and weeds growing at the back of my garden for the pigeons to have a peck around when they out they take whats best for them cant beat nature i think,



  3. i put netting on the floors and and a little way up the walls.i put new floors over the top of the neted floors and pioson under the lofts that was over 12 months ago not see a rat since .tutch wood lol

  4. 100% returns my first bird timed in at 10.46 from newbury 166 miles to me.8th in club, plus while waiting for my birds i got a 2008 bird drop in that i lost in the first yb race 2008 still had its rubber on when i took it of it crumbled in my fingers.i put him in a pen for a while to see how he go i had this happen once berfore and it now my best bird lol.

  5. can anybody tell me how many doo's it will take to make a casserole for 6 people and how does it taste as im going to get rid of some of my 98% sh**t .


    you on the wrong site mate we pigeon people you jamie olivers site     http://www.jamieoliver.com/    


    years ago before we injected our birds and all the other stuff we put in they use to eat the crap racers i remember a old guy near we i lived with my dad he use to eat his lol i never have but i should amagine they tast the same as a dove or wood pigeon lol

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