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Old Bird

Old Bird (5/8)

  1. Okitsme

    4 Free Hens

    Hi everyone, I stopped racing in 2013 and sold most my lofts and birds. I kept a few which I have decided I no longer want to keep. I only have 4 hens left which someone can have for free. Two are vandabeeles and the other 2 are staf van reet and hongerloot cross. If anyone is interested then please let me know. Thank you David
  2. This offer is still available, still no takers.
  3. Sorry I should have said I Iive in Surrey. Not really selling anything at the moment until I can get rid of the race stock. Don't want to start selling things and then find I can get rid of the lofts and bird. Sorry mate.
  4. Hello all, We have decided to stop racing as lost interest due work commitments. I have a loft that is 7 ft. by 5ft with two sections. One section is 4ft and the other is 3ft. Reason I am giving it away is that it has a couple of bits that need fixing. It's 5 years old. The pigeons I am giving away are my race stock. They are all bred from my stock birds. There are 7 cocks and 14 hens. This is exclusive for a new starter only. Thanks David
  5. Thanks for the advice guys. What I have done is moved it into a nest with another youngster to see if it will improve. If it does not then I will take if from there. Thanks again. David
  6. Hi Guys, Somethings seems to be wrong with one of my chicks legs. When in the nest its legs spread out to the side and it does not look like it can stand on its legs. Its not paralysed as it can still grip with its toes. Anybody have any ideas please? Thanks David
  7. So if the pad goes under the tunnels its fine then? :-/
  8. Are these traps legal? I have two of them and paid good money for them. :o :o
  9. Thanks Old Yellow, I have been after one of these birds for ages now and my white hen with a check cock will not throw me a saddleback.
  10. Hi How do you go about breeding these pigeons that are completely white except for their back and wings. I call them seagulls but I think they are called saddle backs or something in that region. :-/ :-/ :-/ :-/
  11. So if I send 2 pigeons to be entered in the Somerset oneloft race I have to actually send three to have a reserve?
  12. Hi Everyone, Can someone tell me if it is too late to join any one loft races for this year? Cheers David
  13. Okitsme

    Gem Shop

    Thanks for that.
  14. Okitsme

    Gem Shop

    Hi Guys and Guys Does anybody know where the Gem shop is near London or Surrey? Many thanks David
  15. Is that the Fed Sec programme??
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