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Got a serious problem with a hen who was just bought at Blackpool. Long story short she was put into a basket with another hen and Ck. The other 2 paired and the Ck turned on this hen, scalped her and left her with torn eyelids. The eyelids welded together and she has deteriorated as the week has gone on.

She is being hand fed and watered but I feel she needs more sustainance than I am able to get into her.

Have bathed her eyes with tepid water every day but have made no progress opening them. Tonight I applied Golden Eye ointment to her eyes and Fed and watered her. Feeding her by hand but opening her beak and putting food in her is breaking the skin where she has been scalped which must be very painful. I desperately want to save this hen!!!


So ANY ideas othr than what I am doing on how to get her eyes opened and more food/nutrients into her will be Very welcome.

All criticisms will be taken on the chin as I am 100% responsible for not taking time to think of the consequences of 2 hens and one Ck in the same space. :emoticon-0179-headbang: :emoticon-0179-headbang: :emoticon-0179-headbang:

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Got a serious problem with a hen who was just bought at Blackpool. Long story short she was put into a basket with another hen and Ck. The other 2 paired and the Ck turned on this hen, scalped her and left her with torn eyelids. The eyelids welded together and she has deteriorated as the week has gone on.

She is being hand fed and watered but I feel she needs more sustainance than I am able to get into her.

Have bathed her eyes with tepid water every day but have made no progress opening them. Tonight I applied Golden Eye ointment to her eyes and Fed and watered her. Feeding her by hand but opening her beak and putting food in her is breaking the skin where she has been scalped which must be very painful. I desperately want to save this hen!!!


So ANY ideas othr than what I am doing on how to get her eyes opened and more food/nutrients into her will be Very welcome.

All criticisms will be taken on the chin as I am 100% responsible for not taking time to think of the consequences of 2 hens and one Ck in the same space. :emoticon-0179-headbang: :emoticon-0179-headbang: :emoticon-0179-headbang:

Try Vaseline on wounds John,keeps skin moist and soft.

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Try Vaseline on wounds John,keeps skin moist and soft.

I don't know how to open the eyes but as far as nutrition is concerned perhaps something like Nutrition power from Natural might help. It's a pellet supplement but I also believe it can be made into a paste and syringes over the throat.

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Thanks for all yer comments/advice guys, will get something made into paste and use the syringe to get it into her. Hand feeding peas/tares/beans is keeping her going but it's clearly not enough and the pain where scalped must be horrendous on her.


Mossgiel the gentian violet was a Fav of my Da's but I've no seen it for ages, any ideas where I can source it quickly ? Cheers

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Thanks for all yer comments/advice guys, will get something made into paste and use the syringe to get it into her. Hand feeding peas/tares/beans is keeping her going but it's clearly not enough and the pain where scalped must be horrendous on her.


Mossgiel the gentian violet was a Fav of my Da's but I've no seen it for ages, any ideas where I can source it quickly ? Cheees

john try kevin winters im sure he would be able to help you

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Thanks for all yer comments/advice guys, will get something made into paste and use the syringe to get it into her. Hand feeding peas/tares/beans is keeping her going but it's clearly not enough and the pain where scalped must be horrendous on her.


Mossgiel the gentian violet was a Fav of my Da's but I've no seen it for ages, any ideas where I can source it quickly ? Cheers


John, I've had a small bottle here for years, sure I got it at the chemist.

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John I am sorry to hear of your predicament, You are not the first nor will you be the last to have a Hen scalped.

The advice I am giving for the scalped head is from the chemist obtain BURN;JEL which will kill the pain and stop infection, following the instructions. For torn eyelid, I would smear Vaseline on Lint and cover eyes to help the healing process. Messy but worked for me.

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John I am sorry to hear of your predicament, You are not the first nor will you be the last to have a Hen scalped.

The advice I am giving for the scalped head is from the chemist obtain BURN;JEL which will kill the pain and stop infection, following the instructions. For torn eyelid, I would smear Vaseline on Lint and cover eyes to help the healing process. Messy but worked for me.


Thanks Peter, al ask about the Jel too when I'm in. Am I right in thinking you would "bandage" the eyes by securing the lint in place or is it just to apply the Vaseline/Ountment ?

Apologies for delayed response I'm out playing (use the term Very loosely) pool and no in tae near midnight.

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John I know its to late but the first thing I do when a hen gets badly scalped is to pull the skin back into place and put a couple of stitches in it to hold it in place, when the scabs fall off you would never know it had been damaged. As for the eyes keep bathing with luke warm water with a little salt added, this might take time but the will eventually open ( remember it has taken a hammering and isn't just scabs that's keeping them shut they will be badly swollen just like a boxer whose went 12 rounds. Lastly I would try something like Complan with some honey added or some of the powdered milk for babies fed through a syringe. Hope this helps, good luck.

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For the eyes, tea which has been boiled and allowed to cool till almost cold, one or two drops each eye applied with an eye dropper. Don't dab or try to dry the eyes as the nicitating membrane is probably stuck open by congealed blood, and even the slightest dab will rip it out - done that once and the bird's flying days even round about the loft are over if that happens. Head wound is simpler - any cream that seals the open wound like sudacreme or germolene, light dab applied with a cotton ball, until skin scabs over naturally.

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keep bathing the eyes with luke warm water when done put some optrex drops on the eye lids they will open in time when healed sringe her with soft food and give her a few peanuts over her throat had one the same two years ago looks really bad at the time but it does heal john hang in there

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