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Pre Pairing


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I find that if I put the hen in the closed side of the nest box for a couple

Of days ,it saves the hen getting scalped . Only with birds that are being

Paired for the first time ,others are put together on pairing date .


im changing a few pairs arround that have been in the same section last year so im hopefully going to have these pre paired before the rest of them.

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Guest johnhunter

Do fanciers pre pair their stock birds before the start of breeding and if so does it go better than just putting them together in their box over night.

that's a bad move putting them together in their box overnight

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Ive never pre paired in my life, always put a block in the box or turnt over a nest bowl so then hen can get high without trouble from an overkeen cock bird, and my pairings are changed every year regardless


Pretty much exactly as i do Wiley. Have never had any problem with hens getting scalped because the block (half brick) lets them up out the Cks way. The yearling Cks can be too territorial and won't let the hen back into the box when let out in the first two or three days so i let those particular Cks into the aviary with their intended hen until they settle down. It's only ever one or two a season so it's no anything that worries me.

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