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Long Distance Pigeons-Where To Start

Guest welshman

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Guest welshman

hello.when my loft is built,i would like to fill it with distance stock.i am unfamiliar with todays breeds.could you tell me in your opinion what breed should i be looking for that could cope with distances from 300 to 600+.

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  • 1 month later...

hello.when my loft is built,i would like to fill it with distance stock.i am unfamiliar with todays breeds.could you tell me in your opinion what breed should i be looking for that could cope with distances from 300 to 600+.


just go to locals near you like mr and mrs mears/ray strawbridge mate...minutes away with the finest exteme distance birdsb you could wish for

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This is a question I asked myself a number of years ago falling into the trap of obtaining pigeons without pedigree information ending up with a higglety piggelty bunch that would not cut the mustard when the chips were down.

What I found was if you visit a small team fancier you wont obtain his best as he cannot afford to part with what he believes could be his next distance winner with him breeding so few. The larger team fanciers in your locality would be Ray Strawbridge, The Padfields and Preece Brothers and obtain youngsters which are line bred to a solid race line of blood for a couple of generations. Depending on your financial situation. As you have posted you are completing your loft I would join Gwent Greater Distance Club at your earliest convenience and your pigeons will be basketed with the finest pigeons in Wales. At the first opportunity I would take a handfull of rings and ask the members if they could possibly ring you a Late Bred or two as I found them to be gentlemen of the finest order and I know Ray will take you under his wing. You will in all probability find that the most successful strain in Wales are Aarden whether they be Polder, Muller, Battenburg, Jan or Invincible Spirit.

In my opinion Novice is printing TOSH. :animatedpigeons:

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Paulo

In distance racing the right blood is vital as it's more the pigeon at times than the fancier. Pedigrees mean out either the bird will perform or it won't you need hard pigeons. Go to a few decent distance lofts and but young uns and then simply race them don't send to water unless fit and healthy however don't be scared to send. The pigeons your left with that are winning in race time and are still fresh are the ones. Breed round them and obtain more from what you find are the fanciers pigeons that have come for you.


Don't be afraid to send but also don't don't put all your eggs in one basket as if it's a smash race it can undo years of work. patience is the key don't be afraid to stop a pigeon that has shown you something to let it mature as there's always next year. Also don't be afraid to test I'm on a mission to build a team of channel birds at the moment and everything in the loft must have at least one channel race from arras 360 to us returning in decent time. This way you are weeding out anything not capable of doing the channel.


My dad was a great channel flier and his best advice to me was if you want channel pigeons then you send them to the channel. Don't fall into the trap of having a loft full of pedigrees that you have paid a fortune for but are scared to send.


I can recommend many roads to Rome as an excellant book to read on channel flying.


Just to clarify im on about sending them to the channel as old birds as yearlings. Young bird racing if they are true distance pigeons they only need a couple of races in them no point in hammering them you are looking for experience not to win wakefield

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Thank you for your vote of no confidence Peter. That's your prerogative. I can assure you that most winners come from crosses that is a proven fact.

Only a strain snob would fail to acknowledge this.

Perhaps your years with CJ Williams have clouded your judgement similarly to the time when you misled people when you confused acidic with alkaline.

I apologise for my tardy response.

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