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"Daphne'S Delight"


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  • 1 year later...

Daphneys Delight won 1st open Rennes 550 miles and was in training basket the following day to go 30 mile spin.Nash reckoned a toss after the long flights helped the pigeons get rid of build up of lactic acid???


The original warm-down maybe Derek? Don't know if I would have the nerve to give a national winner a toss though :o

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Daphne's Delight won 1st open Rennes 550 miles and was in training basket the following day to go 30 mile spin.Nash reckoned a toss after the long flights helped the pigeons get rid of build up of lactic acid???

i know someone else who had there doos at southwaite on a sun morning after winning on sat :animatedpigeons::emoticon-0127-lipssealed: :emoticon-0127-lipssealed:

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think you might be not that far away lewis,there are some guys on this site who know the full nash bros story,sammy and stb are two who might be able to enlighten us. :) :)

yes the old osman blood marriens delbar and some barker git stuff :emoticon-0167-beer: :emoticon-0167-beer: there would have been a good bit of jock reid and ogilvie birds added to the mix .


James would go to lockerbie at 3am in the morning and throw the birds up on a roof in the dark , they would lift at first day light , he was a hard trainer and at abington and beatock regular , but the real hard work was tosses from .

















OBAN :emoticon-0137-clapping: :emoticon-0137-clapping:


his brother john was always at the birds , james was the trainer and front man john was more quiet and most didint even know him .

When John gave up and stopped taking part the results went doon hill .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I have said this before but a son of Daphnes delight was the sire of Jock Allans Mill Princess 1st west section 4th open Rennes on a very hard day, I am not sure but I think she was timed around 10.15 at night. She was a cracker of a pigeon very much like her mother Mill Queen I had the pleasure of handling them when they were in there hey day and I can honestly say they were the best pigeons I have ever handled and ive been around and seen and handled some top Barcelona pigeons in Europe but for me Jocks pigeons were a bit special like wee tennis balls.
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