Guest Dorset-lad Posted August 28, 2011 Report Share Posted August 28, 2011 Dorset South Road FederationSecretary: Mrs Anne HooperGuernsey on 14/08/2011 at 10:25 hrs47 Members sent birds469 Federation Birds. North West Wind Pos Name Club AFT Distance Bird Velocity 1 M.Gilbert OPN 03:00:35 159m249y GB11J10559BLC 1550.888 2 M.Gilbert OPN 03:00:40 159m249y GB11J10596BLC 1550.172 3 M.Gilbert OPN 03:00:44 159m249y GB11J10691BLC 1549.601 4 M.Gilbert OPN 03:00:53 159m249y GB11J10490CHC 1548.316 5 M.Gilbert OPN 03:00:55 159m249y GB11J10426DCH 1548.030 6 Mr&MrsP.Dunstall OPN 03:06:26 163m1094y GB11N51044CHH 1544.649 7 Mr&MrsHayward OPN 02:52:23 150m1062y GB11N38786BH 1537.500 8 M.Gilbert OPN 03:02:16 159m249y GB11J10645CHC 1536.566 9 M.Gilbert OPN 03:02:17 159m249y GB11J10630CHH 1536.425 10 Mr&MrsHayward OPN 02:52:32 150m1062y GB11N38765MOH 1536.164 11 M.Gilbert OPN 03:02:21 159m249y GB11J10657CHC 1535.863 12 M.Gilbert OPN 03:02:36 159m249y GB11J10425BLC 1533.761 13 M.Gilbert OPN 03:02:52 159m249y GB11J10620BLC 1531.524 14 M.Gilbert OPN 03:04:34 159m249y GB11J10607BLH 1517.419 15 M.Gilbert OPN 03:05:28 159m249y GB11J10640CHH 1510.056 16 M.Gilbert OPN 03:07:27 159m249y GB11J10644MLH 1494.080 17 Mr&MrsP.Dunstall OPN 03:13:58 163m1094y GB11N51028CWH 1484.657 18 DeanChilds OPN 03:55:45 196m1539y GB11J24551DCH 1469.773 19 Mr&MrsHayward OPN 03:01:07 150m1062y GB11N38986BWH 1463.369 20 Mr&MrsP.Dunstall OPN 03:17:25 163m1094y GB11N51108CHH 1458.712 21 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:10:11 157m1106y GB11R03819MC 1458.622 22 Mr&MrsP.Dunstall OPN 03:17:26 163m1094y GB11N51074CHH 1458.589 23 Mr&MrsP.Dunstall OPN 03:17:28 163m1094y GB11N51022BWH 1458.342 24 Mr&MrsP.Dunstall OPN 03:17:31 163m1094y GB11N50962CWH 1457.973 25 M.Gilbert OPN 03:12:17 159m249y GB11C11102CHH 1456.527 26 Mr&MrsHayward OPN 03:02:30 150m1062y GB11N38785BH 1452.277 27 Mr&MrsP.Dunstall OPN 03:18:25 163m1094y GB11N50989BH 1451.360 28 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:12:00 157m1106y GB11A03010BBH 1444.822 29 M.Gilbert OPN 03:14:38 159m249y GB11J10486CHH 1438.942 30 P.Kenny&V.Segesdy OPN 03:11:11 156m156y GB11N89931DCH 1436.924 31 P.Kenny&V.Segesdy OPN 03:13:32 156m156y GB11N89919BCP 1419.476 32 P.Kenny&V.Segesdy OPN 03:13:33 156m156y GB11N89937BCH 1419.354 33 P.Kenny&V.Segesdy OPN 03:13:36 156m156y GB11N89969DCC 1418.988 34 M.Gilbert OPN 03:18:02 159m249y GB11J10466BLH 1414.239 35 M.Gilbert OPN 03:18:04 159m249y GB11J10402BLH 1414.001 36 M.Gilbert OPN 03:18:04 159m249y GB11J10610CHC 1414.001 37 M.Gilbert OPN 03:18:14 159m249y GB11J10412BLH 1412.813 38 M.Gilbert OPN 03:18:14 159m249y GB11J22019DCH 1412.813 39 M.Gilbert OPN 03:18:14 159m249y GB11J10618CHH 1412.813 40 P.Kenny&V.Segesdy OPN 03:14:59 156m156y GB11N89927DCC 1408.920 41 M.Gilbert OPN 03:19:54 159m249y GB11J10675DCH 1401.034 42 M.Gilbert OPN 03:20:05 159m249y GB11J10636RC 1399.750 43 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:18:18 157m1106y GB11N72047BBC 1398.923 44 M.Gilbert OPN 03:20:16 159m249y GB11J10666DCH 1398.469 45 M.Gilbert OPN 03:20:25 159m249y GB11J10606RPC 1397.423 46 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:19:05 157m1106y GB11R03927BBC 1393.419 47 M.Gilbert OPN 03:21:36 159m249y GB11J10617RC 1389.221 48 M.Gilbert OPN 03:21:51 159m249y GB11J10440CHH 1387.500 49 M.Gilbert OPN 03:21:55 159m249y GB11J10642CHH 1387.042 50 M.Gilbert OPN 03:21:55 159m249y GB11J10613CHC 1387.042 51 G.R.Seeney OPN 03:19:00 156m317y GB11N36756GH 1381.291 52 D.Callard OPN 03:16:26 153m1229y GB11S78755BCH 1377.103 53 M.Gilbert OPN 03:24:35 159m249y GB11J10608BLC 1368.964 54 M.Gilbert OPN 03:24:37 159m249y GB11J10615CHC 1368.741 55 M.Gilbert OPN 03:24:37 159m249y GB11J10697CHH 1368.741 56 M.Gilbert OPN 03:24:39 159m249y GB11J10622CHC 1368.518 57 M.Gilbert OPN 03:24:40 159m249y GB11J10587CHH 1368.407 58 M.Gilbert OPN 03:24:42 159m249y GB11J10612BLC 1368.184 59 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:22:48 157m1106y GB11R03859BCC 1367.883 60 M.Gilbert OPN 03:24:57 159m249y GB11J10614BLH 1366.515 61 M.Gilbert OPN 03:25:16 159m249y GB11J10619BLH 1364.407 62 M.Gilbert OPN 03:26:26 159m249y GB11J10649CHC 1356.697 63 P.Kenny&V.Segesdy OPN 03:22:45 156m156y GB11N89961BBH 1354.949 64 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:24:49 157m1106y GB11A03068BBH 1354.416 65 M.Gilbert OPN 03:29:21 159m249y GB11J10688BLC 1337.796 66 M.Gower OPN 02:22:25 108m234y GB11J13185DCC 1336.318 67 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:28:16 157m1106y GB11R03875BBC 1331.981 68 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:28:22 157m1106y GB11A03065BPC 1331.341 69 R.Hooper UPT 01:59:17 89m855y GB11N34096BLH 1320.344 70 B.Basham&Son OPN 02:34:26 114m984y GB11J16259RGC 1305.573 71 M.Gower OPN 02:26:30 108m234y GB11J13183BLH 1299.072 72 M.Gower OPN 02:26:32 108m234y GB11J13261DCH 1298.776 73 M.Gower OPN 02:26:33 108m234y GB11J13247BLH 1298.628 74 M.Gilbert OPN 03:35:44 159m249y GB11J10457RC 1298.215 75 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:33:45 157m1106y GB11N62637BCC 1297.813 76 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:33:51 157m1106y GB11N01458BBH 1297.207 77 P.Priddle OPN 02:30:57 111m382y GB11K29607CWH 1296.603 78 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:34:17 157m1106y GB11A03483BBC 1294.583 79 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:34:27 157m1106y GB11N34499PDH 1293.577 80 DeanChilds OPN 04:34:45 196m1539y GB11C11143BLC 1261.143 81 DeanChilds OPN 04:36:22 196m1539y GB11J10624CHC 1253.766 82 P.Kenny&V.Segesdy OPN 03:39:13 156m156y GB11N89936BBH 1253.171 83 B.Smith OPN 03:31:11 149m129y GB11J12225DCC 1242.376 84 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:45:38 157m1106y BL116148929RCH 1229.466 85 B.Smith OPN 03:35:14 149m129y GB11J12441WH 1218.998 86 B.&D.Young OPN 02:13:35 92m874y GB11L34255BLC 1218.670 87 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:49:26 157m1106y GB11R03921BCH 1209.104 88 G.R.Seeney OPN 03:47:53 156m317y GB11N36751BCH 1206.218 89 GrahamJones OPN 05:27:38 224m56y GB11Z31982DPH 1203.408 90 P.Priddle OPN 02:44:00 111m382y GB11J17330BWH 1193.437 91 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:54:07 157m1106y GB11N34436BBC 1184.918 92 M.Gilbert OPN 03:57:50 159m249y GB11J10621CPH 1177.590 93 Mr&MrsRavenhill OPN 02:18:13 92m591y GB11L34196BC 1175.770 94 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 03:56:45 157m1106y GB11N72065BBH 1171.739 95 R.&V.McConnell OPN 02:16:45 90m1150y GB11B11677BH 1166.728 96 P.Priddle OPN 02:48:35 111m382y GB11J17334CHH 1160.994 97 G.R.Seeney OPN 03:57:08 156m317y GB11B34813BBC 1159.166 98 DeanChilds OPN 04:59:02 196m1539y GB11C11145CHC 1158.730 99 B.Basham&Son OPN 02:54:55 114m984y GB11J10356CWH 1152.686 100 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 04:00:53 157m1106y GB11R03812BCC 1151.634 101 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 04:01:01 157m1106y GB11N72094BBH 1150.997 102 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 04:01:01 157m1106y GB11N01476BWC 1150.997 103 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 04:01:04 157m1106y GB11R04049BCC 1150.758 104 D.Callard OPN 03:56:13 153m1229y GB11S78754BCC 1145.173 105 K.E.Haines OPN 03:11:14 123m981y GB11N99428BH 1137.150 106 P.Priddle OPN 02:53:19 111m382y GB11K29619BLH 1129.289 107 M.Gower OPN 02:53:01 108m234y GB11J13208BLH 1099.975 108 K.E.Haines OPN 03:20:36 123m981y GB11N40083BWH 1084.053 109 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 04:16:55 157m1106y GB11R03810BCC 1079.768 110 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 04:17:05 157m1106y GB11N72053BBH 1079.068 111 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 04:17:21 157m1106y GB11R03997BBC 1077.950 112 DeanChilds OPN 05:23:19 196m1539y GB11C11112BLC 1071.702 113 M.Gilbert OPN 04:24:05 159m249y GB11J10472BLH 1060.544 114 DeanChilds OPN 05:26:50 196m1539y GB11C11155BLH 1060.170 115 DeanChilds OPN 05:26:54 196m1539y GB11J10673DCC 1059.954 116 K.E.Haines OPN 03:25:37 123m981y GB11N40068BH 1057.604 117 G.R.Seeney OPN 04:22:31 156m317y GB11N36754BBC 1047.084 118 P.Priddle OPN 03:07:52 111m382y GB11J17337BPC 1041.834 119 K.E.Haines OPN 03:29:27 123m981y GB11N40090CHH 1038.248 120 K.E.Haines OPN 03:29:34 123m981y GB11N40047CHH 1037.670 121 M.Gower OPN 03:03:56 108m234y GB11J13240CHH 1034.690 122 Mr&MrsTDavis GIL 02:56:27 103m477y GB11N88023BBH 1029.990 123 DeanChilds OPN 05:40:33 196m1539y GB11J24548CHC 1017.469 124 P.Kenny&V.Segesdy OPN 04:32:03 156m156y GB11N89921MH 1009.800 125 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 04:36:28 157m1106y GB11N01396BBH 1003.417 126 M.Gilbert OPN 04:39:45 159m249y GB11J10413DCC 1001.154 127 Mr&MrsTDavis GIL 03:02:34 103m477y GB11N88008GPC 995.484 128 K.E.Haines OPN 03:40:20 123m981y GB11N40080DH 986.964 129 M.Gower OPN 03:13:28 108m234y GB11J13198BLC 983.704 130 M.Gower OPN 03:13:32 108m234y GB11J13256BLH 983.365 131 B.&D.Young OPN 02:46:50 92m874y GB11E13816BLH 975.788 132 B.&D.Young OPN 02:48:23 92m874y GB11B38328BLH 966.806 133 B.Smith OPN 04:40:33 149m129y GB11J12459YH 935.195 134 M.Gilbert OPN 05:03:17 159m249y GB11J10637DCC 923.473 135 K.E.Haines OPN 03:59:05 123m981y GB11J22064CWH 909.562 136 CottrellRichmond&Son OPN 03:06:07 95m1560y GB11B38317CHC 906.668 137 B.Smith OPN 04:53:26 149m129y GB11J12458RC 894.135 138 CottrellRichmond&Son OPN 03:09:09 95m1560y GB11N43201BLC 892.129 139 M.Gilbert OPN 05:21:16 159m249y GB11J10661BLC 871.783 140 DeanChilds OPN 07:08:41 196m1539y GB11J10695CHC 808.287 141 M.Gilbert OPN 05:53:17 159m249y GB11J10404DCC 792.780 142 Mr&MrsBell OPN 03:26:27 92m684y GB11L43199BC 787.563 143 P.Priddle OPN 04:09:51 111m382y GB11J22015BWH 783.389 144 P.Priddle OPN 04:09:51 111m382y GB11J17306CHH 783.389 145 P.Priddle OPN 04:25:49 111m382y GB11K29627BLH 736.336 146 J.Mills OPN 03:53:06 97m899y GB11N11710LCH 736.246 147 J.Wyles OPN 03:54:26 94m1529y GB11S23841DCC 712.224 148 CottrellRichmond&Son OPN 03:57:43 95m1560y GB11N43252BLC 709.874 149 A.Johnson OPN 03:51:44 91m125y GB11N60586BH 691.679 150 A.Johnson OPN 03:53:29 91m125y GB11N60582BH 686.494 151 J.Wyles OPN 04:05:35 94m1529y GB11S23845DCH 679.887 152 Mr&MrsRavenhill OPN 03:59:57 92m591y NL111131384BC 677.270 153 J.M.Edwards OPN 04:57:53 112m1212y GB11T09755BLH 665.769 154 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 07:00:07 157m1106y GB11A03072BBC 660.330 155 R.Hooper UPT 04:01:17 89m855y GB11N34074RH 652.739 156 Lloyd&Kelly OPN 07:11:54 157m1106y GB11R03842BBH 642.315 157 A.Johnson OPN 04:09:54 91m125y GB11B11184BH 641.397 158 J.M.Edwards OPN 05:19:32 112m1212y GB11J13282CHC 620.662 159 B.Basham&Son OPN 05:26:33 114m984y GB11J16250CHH 617.437 160 M.Gower OPN 05:08:22 108m234y GB11J13252BLH 617.168 161 R.Hooper UPT 04:19:16 89m855y GB11N34042BLH 607.463 162 P.Priddle OPN 05:31:43 111m382y GB11J17340CWC 590.059 163 T.Swain OPN 04:16:06 84m788y GB11N74604MH 580.318 164 CottrellRichmond&Son OPN 05:17:46 95m1560y GB11B38315CPH 531.055 165 K.E.Haines OPN 06:50:26 123m981y GB11N40112BH 529.833 166 R.Hooper UPT 05:13:30 89m855y GB11P05711BPH 502.376 167 P.Priddle OPN 06:30:48 111m382y GB11J17331BLC 500.854 168 R.Hooper UPT 05:15:40 89m855y GB11N34063BLH 498.928 169 R.Hooper UPT 05:32:32 89m855y GB11N34052BLH 473.622 170 R.Hooper UPT 05:46:51 89m855y GB11N34099BLH 454.072 171 P.Priddle OPN 07:20:16 111m382y GB11J17304CHH 444.582 172 T.Swain OPN 06:27:53 84m788y GB11N74627CHH 383.162 173 J.Cobb&Son WAR 06:30:22 81m1285y GB11N11146BCH 368.472 174 T.Swain OPN 07:39:08 84m788y GB11B38577GRH 323.703 Any objections to these results must be made in writing to Mrs Anne Hooper by 21/08/2011 Generated with software supplied by East Coast Software Home Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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