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Looking For Anyone In Buckhaven Fife Or Close By

Guest evilscotsman

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Guest evilscotsman

Hi folks


After thinking about this ( if this is ok with mods )!!


would anyone in buckhaven/methil/leven ect who reside in a council let house who have a loft,would you if you dont mind letting me know if you had any issues or had to jump through loops ect how exactly did you go about informing the council and did you have to fight for it ? you can post in here or send me a private measage if you preffer,i dont need names/adress ect just your story on dealing with the council.


thanks verry much

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Guest evilscotsman

hiya mate i just wrote too council withe sizes of lofts and position where theyd b put i had no probs i live n kennoway


odd how they can say yes to one then on the other hand say no to another? weird! anyhoo the appeal is in with letters from neighbours just a matter of time i might contact my local councilor today infact add a little more weight to the whole thing.

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odd how they can say yes to one then on the other hand say no to another? weird! anyhoo the appeal is in with letters from neighbours just a matter of time i might contact my local councilor today infact add a little more weight to the whole thing.

yes and let him know that the pigeon fanciers on pigeonbasics do lots of charity work the latest £7,500 for Help for Heroes,

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