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Found,  (strange numbers)


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A fellow club member has the following birds enter his loft in Plymouth,  ZAFB 2007 21155  &  ZAFB 2007 46224,  a  blue and a cheq I think.  We have no idea as to the origin of the birds. One has an ETS ring on, the other a rubber, Any ideas as to where these birds have come from would be appreciated.

        Thanks,  Peter.

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i agree ask unions they may reconised them , or write a letter to B.HW and R.P  i think theres a few scribes on here that maybe able to do it on your behalf

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Thanks for all of your input.  Richy doesn't have any of those rings. We've tried  the RPRA. These birds weren't wingstamped.  To me it looks like someone has used these rings on UK bred birds. Best thing I think is to put them on the "found" column of the UK pigeon weeklys, thats  what I'll suggest I think.

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