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Almond Valley Fed


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Due to whether av put back race till Sunday normal time for basketing

John the Balerno club members have arrived at the club tonight straight from their work with their pigeons and are not happy. The Race controller did not bother to phone anyone in the Balerno club to say the race was delayed.I was worried that something had happened to Archie when he did not come for the Transporter. I tried to contact several people but no one was answering. It was only by going on Pigeon Basics and seeing your message that we found out the race was delayed otherwise our pigeons would have been race marked.

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I suggested at the fed AGM we had a WhatsApp group or a Facebook chat and was firmly told by the fed secretary and I quote "I dont use facebook" nothing mentioned about WhatsApp which is also free to download and use. Perhaps it's this was in place and that way atleast 1 member will have it. Just incase there is a hiccup like this again.

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I suggested at the fed AGM we had a WhatsApp group or a Facebook chat and was firmly told by the fed secretary and I quote "I dont use facebook" nothing mentioned about WhatsApp which is also free to download and use. Perhaps it's this was in place and that way atleast 1 member will have it. Just incase there is a hiccup like this again.


To clever an idea to come into the modern times that

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Strays put on wagon along with a few other guys that brought strays.

Your driver done well holding till blue sky appeared and the birds cleared well heading north in one batch,good luck lads .

Got a video but not sure how to put on site but here is a few pics










Temp was 10 degrees

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